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Has anyone used pickling salt?

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Pickling salt: This fine-grained salt has no additives and is generally used in brines to pickle foods. Unlike table salt, the lack of additives will help keep the pickling liquid from clouding. Seems as though clouding is a problem with pours. I saw this and wondered if anyone has tried it? Cranky

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Thanks for the welcome "Z". I was just checking out if anyone has tried this type of salt at this time. If the responses are favarorable I'll start researching where I can get the salt. Is there still water in Lexington? It's got to be hot, the fish don't have any place to go :D . Calero has been producing big fish holding on mats using spooks and chugs, Anderson is a drop shot haven (smaller fish but quantities). Coyote is still hit and miss (have to throw several different baits). Would like to get a nice hot spell to get the top water bite going 8O . The Delta still yanks my chain though. I have a great love hate relationship with that place. If you run across any Pickling Salt let me know. Cranky

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Cranky, welcome.

I have just started using pickling salt; and yes, it does come out clearer. We can buy it up here in almost every grocery store.

It works great with just the glitters. Try this "stick".

light smoke back/black pepper and a clear belly with silver/gold holo/and a touch of silver holo. It's a killer color up here.

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Just note that most of the additives in salt are anti-caking and antihumidity agents, so you might need to "fluff" it in a spice grinder if you live in a climate such as mine...

Please do let us know how it works!

Actually if any are trying it it would be cool to see a pic of one totally clear bait with just popcorns salt added, together with the same bait poured with the pickling salt...

Heck, it wouldn't even be a waste, as without any color/glitter added they would be easy to remelt into your next pour...

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for whatever its worth I am using a fine blending salt made by Cargill Incorporated.I purchased it through www.honeyvillegrain.com the cost was about $8.50 for a 50 lb bag they shipped it from a wharehouse out of California. this salt suspends real well in the plastic for me.I pour stick worms using this salt. they do have a number you can call for a list of dealers in your area the number is 1-888-385-7258 just thaught someone may be able to use this information.good luck and good fishing.


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I got a 4 lb box of Morton's pickling salt at Safeway for $1.49. It does come out a lot clearer than even the LC salt after you put it through the blender. I aslso tried the salt for my water purifier, which was much coarser than the pickling salt, bit it was 5 bucks for a 40lb bag at wally world. Same results. This stuff works, and the gimick is that it's just plain salt. No iodide added.

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