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Usps Click-N-Ship

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thanks Bob, when I went to print the label, in the payment screen i got a transaction denied, I tried this 4 times and always the same error. then I called the credit card company and they said everything is fine and I had 4 charges to my account. they said the problem was the USPS, so I called the USPS and was on hold for 45 minuets and the lady said there was no problem on the USPS and said it was the credit card company refusing the credit card, I was furious to say the least. So I told the USPS lady that what do I do when I call the credit card company back and they say that it is the USPS?, USPS lady said it is not the USPS period. guess what happened when I called the credit card company back? 

while on hold for 45 minuets I sent an email to the USPS describing my problem and an hour later I received an email stating that they were having problems and would let me know when it is resolved, that was on Thursday. I emailed again yesterday and they said they were updating their payment process and would let me know when it is fixed. today is Saturday and no notification yet. 

So, I have tried to print from a different computer, I have tried a different credit card and still same problems. One positive thing, they did take the charges off of both credit cards.

I am curious if anyone in the world has printed a ClicknShip label in the last 3 days?

I knew calling the USPS is a disaster but it gave me time to type my email to them. I called the local post office and they don't have anything to do with the online stuff.

Monday I will have to go to the post office, I don't remember ever going to the post office to ship a package. 


thanks for reading.

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Update, 1 week, several emails, still does not print.

I called the post master this morning, she is going to make some calls to see if she can help.


Good luck with that David. Had a package a few weeks ago that the post office couldn't seem to find. After almost 3 weeks they finally found it in a town about 40 miles from me. There were plenty of people more than willing to "pass the buck" as to why I hadn't received the package. After the better part of a month it finally arrived.



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thanks, I have determined through my wisdom :lolhuh:   that is it a corrupt USPS account. I tried to create a new account and that didn't work, :nono:  or I chickened out because I am sure it would make it worse. :cry:  It told me that there was another account with the same address,  :oooh:

The post master said she talked to the top person (?)and that it would be fixed today.  :whistle:

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