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Question On Applying Dn Clear Coat On Spoons/spinner Blades

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New guy here and I have a couple questions. I plan on using createx paints on some spoons and Spinner blades and I plan on using DN S81 for a clear coat.  What is the best or easiest way to clear the spoons when I am done painting them?  Should I find a small container that I can dip the spoons in vertically or could I use a flat container and lay them down in the clear for a second then hang them up to drip dry?  Or would brushing be the best way?.  I realize that dipping them in a container would waste more of the topcoat than brushing it on.  Thanks in advance.

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Using S81 successfully is all about preserving the life of the can by minimizing exposure to air.


My choice would be to pour just enough into a small container and horizontal dip. Obviously, for maximum efficiency, the container would be the same shape as the lure. To this end, I would make the container out of kids modelling clay, covered with a sheet of that kitchen cling film stuff, used for wrapping food.


Once poured, never pour back into the main tin.


I have never used S81, but have read all the posts on the subject. The above method is how I mix small amounts of resin, Bondo etc.



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The least wasteful way to do it is to decant a small portion and brush a generous amount on the blades quickly with a soft brush, then hang them up to drip dry. The solvent in DN is very active and I wouldn't put it in anything plastic for very long.  I use a baby food jar cap covered with tin foil.  I agree that dipping is attractive but since you can't put used DN back in the can, it's pretty wasteful.  If you have a pill bottle the right size, perhaps that might make a less wasteful dipping container - but still would use more than brushing it on, which goes pretty quickly.  I don't try to be neat when brushing, I flood the surface of the lure quickly and hang it.  Player's choice.     

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Here lately I've been spraying DN S81 on my baits using the mid sized tip in a Paasche airbrush and am very pleased with the results. It needs to be thinned with acetone to be able to spray it. I don't have an exact ratio of acetone to DN. I just try to thin it so it's thinner than milk and thicker than water.


If you start seeing little thin "webs" while spraying your holding the airbrush too far away from what your spraying. Just hold the airbrush a little closer and the "spider webs" will stop.


After spraying a fairly wet coat I hang the baits up over a folded paper towel so any excess can drip off and onto the paper towel. The great thing about spraying DN is you don't have to worry about any bubbles that might form when brushing the DN on and you also don't have to worry about it being thicker in some spots than others.


Of course you need to follow normal safety procedures and spray in a well ventilated area with proper safety equipment.



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