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Curt - NC

2015 Coolest Lure Contest Winners!

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OK Gang, first off, let me say that judging this year's contest has been super tough. There was some very serious competition. And that's a huge understatement!


But the winners in each category have been picked, and here they are!


Best Paint on a Hardbait
1 - Herring Ball Swimbait - DoniHerr
2 - Antique Treasure Craw - mdojet
3 - Ugly Duckling - JOKER

Best Homemade Hardbait
1 - Battery Powered Vibrating Cicada - m_vandorn
2 - Skunk Creeper - diemai
3 - Glide Perch - Nellynelson23

Best Wire Bait
1 - Bluegill Original Swimjig - gekhang
2 - Triple Threat Perch - FishTalesCustoms
3 - Chatter Goby - kaimon

Best Soft Bait
1 - Swankx Gizmo 2 - basskiddcase
2 - Fluke Style Bait with marabou tail - FishTalesCustoms
3 - Bogs Topwater Rats - prochallenger

Best Fly
1 - Green Drake Coffin Fly - fshng2
2 - Sculpin - paint n baits
3 - Harlequin - jockeyb6

Best Rod or Reel
1 - Golden Crappie Matching Reel - FishTalesCustoms
2 - Custom Carbon Rod - gekhang
3 - Jetty Rod with Diamond Wrap - fshng2


Congratulations to all of the winners!


If you are one of the winners listed here, please send me a PM with your email address and your mailing address, so we can get your prizes out to you!


Thank you to everyone who participated :)

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Yes congrats to the winners ! 

For those who have requested the pictures, here are the 3 winners for : 


Best Custom painted hardbait : 

1 - Herringbaitballswimbait


2 - Antique Treasure Craw on Lipless


3 - Ugly Duckling



Best homemade hardbaits

1 - Battery Powered vibrating cicada


2 - Skunk Creeper


3 - Glide Perch



Best soft bait

1- swankx guizmo2


2 - Fluke style bait with marabou tail


3 - Bogs topwater rats


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I entered the contest via Lure Parts Online because I order parts and materials to make my battery powered and solar powered vibrating lures. I am new to TU and am so glad I found this website resulting from the contest. Frankly, I was amazed by the competition and I feel fortunate to be one of the winners. There are some very creative people here. I look forward to sharing and learning from the many creative people that post on this site.


Now I just need to know how I can obtain the gift certificate. The message of the winnings says to provide a PM. My guess is; A PM is a post message. Can someone please let me know what I need to do.



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Thank you JRammit & Vodkaman.


Regarding the electronics, I did not use a vibrating motor from a cell phone. I had to find a motor that would operate off of 1.5V. Most cell phones use motors that are 3V or above. It took a while, but I found them in solar powered bug toys. As a result, I started first by making solar powered fishing lures first and have finally completed my design for battery powered vibrating lures which was my original goal. It has taken some time, but I am very happy with the results thus far. Fish really are attracted to the lures. 


Perhaps, after I figure out how to post pictures in a post, I will post some pictures of my work and of fish caught with my lures.

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@lulu-yodlures, thanks for posting the pics! I appreciate it, since I hadn't had time yet to do that.


For all of the winners, if you have already sent me a PM, thank you. I have received them, even though I might not have responded yet.


For those of you who won, but haven't yet sent me your contact info, please do so ASAP!!

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  On 10/20/2015 at 5:55 PM, m_vandorn said:

Thank you JRammit & Vodkaman.


Regarding the electronics, I did not use a vibrating motor from a cell phone. I had to find a motor that would operate off of 1.5V. Most cell phones use motors that are 3V or above. It took a while, but I found them in solar powered bug toys. As a result, I started first by making solar powered fishing lures first and have finally completed my design for battery powered vibrating lures which was my original goal. It has taken some time, but I am very happy with the results thus far. Fish really are attracted to the lures. 


Perhaps, after I figure out how to post pictures in a post, I will post some pictures of my work and of fish caught with my lures.


We would love to see more pics, but be sure that if you post them, you do so in the Hard Bait gallery, not in a regular forum!


Posting pics in the forums isn't allowed unless it relates to a specific question that's been asked or the pics are needed to demonstrate a method of doing something, etc.

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M_vandorn - It would be OK to start a thread in the hardbaits forum, call it Buzzin' Baits. Here you can explain the parts used, how you mounted them, what battery you used etc. You can also post photos that are relevant to the thread and not just showing off the lures.


I think a lot of members would be interested, I certainly would.



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  On 10/21/2015 at 2:08 AM, Vodkaman said:

M_vandorn - It would be OK to start a thread in the hardbaits forum, call it Buzzin' Baits. Here you can explain the parts used, how you mounted them, what battery you used etc. You can also post photos that are relevant to the thread and not just showing off the lures.


I think a lot of members would be interested, I certainly would.




Excellent idea! I would also be interested in seeing this in its various stages of construction. :yay:

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Thank you Curt,


I will be pleased to share information. I believe it can only make me a better lure builder. Up to this point, I have devised my methods from watching youtube videos. Hopefully by sharing my information, I will be able to learn from many of the more experienced makers that frequent this site.


It will take a couple weeks for me to start the forum. .

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Believe it or not, there are still a few people who won but have not sent me their contact info!


Please send me your contact info ASAP so we can get your prize out to you.


We plan on sending out a mass email on Tuesday and want to make sure the winners have their gift certificates by then!!!


I still need to hear from the following TU members:









Thank you :)

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.....haven't been here for a while , .........just saw a notification Email for a PM by Curt , .......I AM ONE OF THE WINNERS :) ,.......I just can't believe it , that my humble lure work has been regarded this way !


Thanks so much , everybody , .....I would never have expected this to happen , as there are so many brilliant  , talented and innovative fellow luremakers around here :yes: , .....thanks a bunch for the congratulations as well , ......and off course I'd like to congratulate all the other winners as well !


Thank you so much again :worship::worship::worship: ,......really made my day , ....best greetings from northern Germany , Dieter :yay:

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Just curious, how do we know that our submission of our info is in and we are getting our prizes? I mean anyone can lie to you that they are the winners? Anyways, I wrote in as a winner, but I don't never get a response. Or do you not reward third place? I don't remember exactly. Need to go review your prize pool but there's no way to. Just saying. 

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