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thanks for answering, im trying to make my lure look like a kokanee and the magic glitter that im using is really fine, i need bigger glitter peices, cause i want to match the size of a kokanee scale. and i tried big glitter things and they would not lay down flat. any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks, bigbrown

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You might consider trying leaf foil and spray sizing...what sign painters custom car painters use. I have considered taking a lure and wrapping it in mesh, spraying the sizing on as you would when painting scales and then applying the leaf. Ideally it would be like a painted scale finish, with the exception of the scale would be in foil. This would be a tedious operation but it might be worth the effort.

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The larger the glitter the harder it is to make it lay down.

.015 is real nice to work with lays right down on the overcoat.

Work with it on and in paint jobs all the time.

It is about the same size as the glitter used on ranger boats.

Trying to give you a ref. point.

.008 is like dust , way to small for what you are looking for.

.025 might be what you need , but I would try the .015.

Can you tell us more about the majic glitter you are useing , maybe some one knows its size?

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thank you all! yes i agree bigger is harder to make lay down. wow that lure looks amazing! thats not what i was thinking but i definently love the way that thing looks and would love to know how u painted it? have any of you ever seen the silver flake, black top ac plug? that is what i was looking for. but after seeing the picture of that lure on my post i would love to make my lures look like that, once again thank you all of you, bigbrown

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