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I Fish :

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I fish to get out in the morning in the peace and quiet. I am a morning person, and love to get out when the world is sleeping and enjoy the serenity of nature. Also fishing relieves any stress in my daily life, as I go out and try to conquer on how to catch all those fish.

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I fish to be close to nature. Some of my most memorable fishing was in Sweden, fishing the mountain lakes. Glorious scenery. Catching the occasional rainbow did not interfere with the pleasure too much.


I have tried the lakes here in Indonesia, but it is just not the same; too far to travel, way too hot and the mozzies are ferocious. Fishing the local ponds provides no enjoyment other than getting slimy catching lots of fish.


This is what it looks like when the fish are not biting:


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I fish first and foremost to be out in Gods creation enjoying every piece of it from the sunrise to the Eagles, other birds and wildlife, trees, vistas, and just the lake and water itself. I find beauty in all of it. The fishing part gives me a challenge and a reason to be there.

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Wow.. where to begin



seems like you learn something new everytime u go out!!!


just look around at the scenery  on lake, river ,bay, ocean  etc. it is awesome!!!!!


every sound in the early morning seems to be x2

You  appreciate what you have in life alittle more even no you can't fish all day

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