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I Need Help With Dick Nite Top Coat

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I was wondering if someone can tell me the best  way to use Dick Nite top coat do you hang it ? or do you put it on a drying wheel ? Also which one is the one to use MCU or water reducible? I have been painting and using Etec and Devcon 2 ton, and would like to give this a try heard it was better and easier to work with any help is greatly appreciated.


Thank you



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I'm a hobby builder so that means I was only dipping a few baits at the time at the most. This meant the can was opened and closed more often than someone doing a lot of baits at once. About 3 months was all I could get out of a can and approximately 50%, or more, was lost. Do a little math and you can see this was at the very least doubling the cost.


Fast forward to "tapping the can". I've had the same quart for well over a year now and it's just as fresh as the day I got it. The choice is simple to me. Spend a few minutes tapping the can or put up with the cost and aggravation of having it cure prematurely.


I personally like DN moisture cure. I think it is one of the best top coats available. That being said you just have to learn how to deal with it's idiosyncrasies.



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I'm not going to comment about DN' s product because I haven't used it yet, but I do use something similar. I'm experimenting at the moment with it. I'm beating the heck out of it. Just need time now to see if it yellows or cracks under UV and water intrusion.

I do like hanging, but in a dust free environment (sealed cabinet). The coat seems to smooth out so evenly by hanging. I do have a wheel with a heater in a closed cabinet. You must know that I have just started at this tho.


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If you brush it, you need to get it on asap because it will begin to skin over quickly.  If you're too slow, it will skin over before you get around the lure and will clump up on the brush, ruining the topcoat.  I flood coat the lure with a brush loaded with DN, then hang the lure up so the excess will drip off the tail of the bait.  It's almost like dipping the lure, you're just using a small amount of DN which you decanted from the storage can using the "tap the can" method to preserve your DN supply.  You do not want to put it on a lure rotator lest it pool somewhere on the lure and bubble.  This is almost as fast as dipping and will give you the same results.

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