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Lure Turner Axis Direction

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Been airbrushing crankbaits for a year, dipping in GST for my clear coat and just letting them hand to cure. It works OK, but I do get a drip from time to time, and always have to clean off the rear hook hanger.


Now I have a turner, and was wondering what your thoughts are on which way to orient the baits. I see lots of pictures with them in different positions, so I know there are different preferences.


Imagining a line from the line tie to the rear hanger, I can put them on with this line parallel to the axis of the turner, or perpendicular to the axis. I haven't been able to think of a reason it would make any difference, but I'll bet someone here has some opinions on why one is better than the other.


One way, relative to the bait the force of gravity will go around the middle, like it were wearing a belt. The other way, it will shift from head to tail.


Does it make any difference at all?

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I don't know if one way is better than the other but I do mine parallel to the axis as this made more sense in my mind.  Bubbles will want to go north no matter which way the lure is spinning and by putting them on a parallel axis they have a shorty way to go to escape the epoxy.  Of course if you are spinning them to fast this won't matter at all as you won't give them enough time to escape.  I find that 1 to 3 rpm's are the best for thicker top coats.  I recently just built another turner, here is a pic:

lure turner.jpg

This turner is made out of hardwoods.  It holds 58 baits up to 7.5" long.  I made this turner so that I can move it whenever I want.  The turner is 32" long X 24" wide X 24" tall.  My turners work inside of a hot box so if I am not turning any baits I can take it out so that I have room to put whatever else I need in the hot box at that time.


Like I said I don't know if one way is better than the other but this made more sense to me and I have zero problems.  Hope this helps.

lure turner.jpg

lure turner.jpg

lure turner.jpg

lure turner.jpg

lure turner.jpg

lure turner.jpg

lure turner.jpg


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I picked up a lure turner plan from that guy who had been putting on webinars lately, with his turner the lure is at 45 to the rotation, the though being the clear coat gets spread more evenly over the whole length of the lure. But the best part about it is the lure clamps and how easy it is to handle lures from painting to clear coat.



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