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Question On Buying A New Airbrush

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Hello my name is Matthew I had an account before but lost all the info. 


I like to asked you guys and gals what would be your choice for a mid range priced airbrush. I have been using a master airbrush for the last 5-6 years. I am now wanting to step up my game and get a better brush. thanks for all you help. 

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Hi Matt,

I am no expert but I have used a few different airbrushes in the last year. If you can afford it, I really like my Harder and Steenback Evolution. After that I would say an Iwata B or C with the tip guard that looks like the top of a rook in chess. I have also used a Paasche VL and VJR. I have also used a side feed Badger. They work OK but I would say the HS works longer without cleaning and is easier to clean. After the HS I would say Iwata then Paasche and Badger. 


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You can also get eclipse on eBay for $100 straight from Japan. If your in Canada like myself Jjust buy stuff during sales, winnipeg has an artist shop and do sales of 50% off all the time. Eclipse is very nice, I have never had a cheaper brush so I can't compare.

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My advice would be to get a Paasche VL kit. Comes with everything that you need. Jars, cups, hose, etc.  It is a really good gun. There are better. I also shoot an Iwata and if I had to choose just one gun it would be the VL. If you like to shoot glitter in your paint the VL is your best bet. Iwatas can't take it without clogging. You can really lay down some paint or lighten it up if you take the time to learn how. You can use a cup or use a jar, it is a versitile gun. Plus, they are really durable and you can get parts cheap and easy. It is the way to go.


I use an Iwata to shoot the scales and the back stripe. If it is a paint with no glitter then it works beautifully. Shoot with the VL. Then if you feel you are ready for a better gun then get an Iwata.



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