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Using A Porcelain Lined Cast Pot For Melting Lead

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Hi guys. Just started enjoying pouring my own molds and have had  fairly good results. Thanks to all the members sharing  great posts on  safety , fluxing and technique I have been able to reduce the learning curve considerably. I have just acquired a cast iron pot which is porcelain lined which I intend to melt rough lead for fluxing  and pouring 1LB ingots.  Is there any foreseen problems using a lined cast iron pot.. safety concerns feed back ideas that I should be aware of before using it.  Thanks in advance for your continued support and feed back

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I looked up some stuff about this, and found nothing bad. My grill is cast iron coated with porcelain and I know has been up to 900 degrees before. Chipping is the only issue I can think of. Directions even say not to use a wire brush other than brass in the grate, so that is why I think chipping may be an issue, but one that probably doesn't matter seeing that it is cast iron under it, and that is what most use anyway.


Hope someone can chime in with some help that has used one.

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Is this the same as an enamel coated pot? Seems there are different types of ceramic coating.

In that case I do all of my melting/smelting/casting in such pots, albeit using a mixture of tin and lead (50:50) so at a lower temprature than you'll likely be using.

So far it works fine, I did buy the pots used so lots of small carcks in the surface, but not affecting anything as far as I can tell.

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