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Whats Your Favorite Top Coat Epoxy?

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Hello gentlemen, i am wondering what your favorite top coat epoxy is? I have been looking around at some local stores for Devcon 2 ton epoxy but i am having a hard time finding it. Seems most stores around me are carring Loctite and JB weld brand.  Does anyone use Clear 5 min epoxy? I am a beginer and very new to this, thank you

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You want to use 30 minute Devcon if that the route you are going.  Ace Hardware always has it from my experience.   If you have a craft store near by Envirotex light will be readily available and isn't too difficult to use either.    Plenty of other options with topcoats but I think the two above are about the easiest for starters with low numbers that will get you a good finished product. 

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One big problem with 5 minute epoxy, is that you just do not have enough time to mix it, get it onto the lure and then allow it to level out to a smooth finish. You inevitably end up with a lumpy mess, and the whole point of an epoxy coating is the smooth glass like finish that makes your baits look so professional.


All 5 minute epoxies seem to yellow very quickly too.


The box may well say 5 minute, and the other epoxies may say 30 minutes, but don't be fooled into thinking that you have got plenty of time because you HAVEN"T! Someone should sue these companies for misrepresentation. I have no idea what the 5 min or 30 min is supposed to represent, but it is nothing of any use to us.



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I use Devcon Two Ton. Started with it many years ago and never saw a reason to change. However, any slow cure epoxy will probably work OK. There Are considerable differences in how long the slow cure epoxies take to cure. Glue type epoxies including Devcon harden to a non-sag state in about an hour. Decoupage, table top,and rod guide epoxies (Envirotex Lite aka Etex, Flexcoat)and take a couple of hours. You have to rotate epoxy until it reaches the non-sag state after application. They also have various "brush times", or how long you have to brush the epoxy before it hardens too much to brush it on the lure. Glue epoxies have only a few minutes. Decoupage epoxies can be brushed for longer times because they contain a solvent with the epoxy, but they also make a thinner coating that may require more than one coat. Using epoxy is a sort of finacky process. Pick one and learn its particular ins and outs to getting a good finish.

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I just found a local epoxy, here in Indonesia. $11 for 1.5 liters. More than one hour working time and yet could not thumb mark it after 8 hours. I poured a slab and cured it for a few days. Very tough but didn't snap. Unfortunately quite yellow in the hardener, but I will be using it. At only 9% of the cost of D2T, I can live with very slightly yellow.



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I have recently started using Evirotex lite, found it at Michaels.  I have also used Bob Smith Indistries 30-min epoxy with out and problems.  I mainly use BSI when I am sealing my lure blank to get ready for silicone molding.  I have also used it for a top coat after paint.  E-tex in my opinion is runny (idk if its just me or if its the same for anyone else)  E-tex lite takes about 8 hours to harden and 48-72 hours for a full cure.  

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I've totally switched over to the new Art Resin. I'm only comparing it to Devcon, can't speak of the others above but holy crap, to me this stuff is the bomb. I can do 15 baits vs 2 with Devcon. I can't imagine it not holding up in the water but that technically is the only thing that hasn't been tested. The big thing is I'm no longer stressed topcoating baits, I so hated doing it. I would get so worked up when the time came to topcoating. And as some of you have read, so many of my baits were turning pink over time and the bait was ruined. Have no clue what that was.

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Well the set up time, in my experience is not 8 hrs lol. I've come back the next day and they're still a little tacky. It takes about two days for it to completely cure, but heck it's worth it to me.


As far as turning, if you mix it and put it right on pretty thick, a turner would be very helpful. The first time I used it, I don't have a turner except myself, I had to flip them often. What I do now is mix it, let it sit about 20 min. This allows most of the tiny bubbles to rise to the top, and for some reason it gets a little thicker. After my 20 I use a heat source to get rid of the bubbles and then apply it. Its a little thicker at this point. I put it on thick to make sure the bait gets covered and then go back and wipe off the access. You don't need to flip it nearly as much, and then after a couple hours you should be good to go. One thing you have to watch for is the subtle shift in the epoxy. The epoxy won't drip or run after a while but it might shift and its very subtle because my coat is thin. You ll see it  a TINY bit thicker on the down side end, so I just flip it...no problem. The next day is when I add another coat if I want.

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use a turner on any top coat or you'll be sorry.  cheap and easy to make or buy this one, works great buy extra lure vise holders also if you want to make more than 4 at once






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I took a crank coated with art resin and basically tried my best to break it, after about 40 casts there was zero hook rash or scratches. I threw the lure into this concrete wall from 30 feet away, at least 20 times. There was zero damage to the lure. I was suprised how well it did. The lip is .04 lexan and did not break either.20160217_155927.jpg

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