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mark poulson

Glow In The Dark Plastics

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I have been unable to fish for the last week due to trigger finger surgery on my left pinky.  It's the spot where the rod's trigger hits my off hand.  Figures!  Too much fishing, I guess.

I've run out of jigs and spinnerbaits to reskirt, and my boat has been reorganized twice.  I even resorted my skirt boxes, and my tackle making materials.  I'm going stir crazy!

My home waters, the CA Delta, are muddy and cold right now.

I've been throwing black/blue jigs and trailers, with the tips of the trailers dipped in chart. dip and glo.

So yesterday I returned to the idea of putting glow powder in some trailers, to make them more visible in the muddy water.

I added 1 tblsp. of green glow powder to 1 cup of med. plastic, with a few drops of chart. color and some .035 chart. glitter, and poured some ES swimbaits, ES grubs, and ES beavers.

I played around after the first batch, adding blue color to see if I could get the best of both worlds, blue trailers that also glow.

It worked.

The first batch glowed the brightest (it was also the most translucent), and, as I added more more blue, the glow diminished, but was still there after I'd gotten down to a deeper blue.

I also added 2 tblsp. of sea salt, for flavor, but that didn't seem to diminish the glow.

I'll fish them as soon as my trigger finger surgery heals (one more week and the stitches come out), and report back.

Here's the glo powder I used:




I see they also offer a blue and dark blue powder, so those may be my next experiment.

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I went out for half a day today, just to see if my hand was up to fishing.

So far, so good.  How it feels tomorrow is the real test.

Two keeper bass in 52 degree, heavily stained water.  One of them was on a chart/white spinner bait, with glow paint on the colorado and indiana blades, the bait head, and in the glow trailer.

So the fish saw it in the dirty water, and wasn't spooked.

I also got half a dozen stripers on a chart/orange, bluegill Yozuri rattle trap painted with the Glonation green/white paint.

I got bit by burning it back to the boat.  A slower retrieve wouldn't get bit.

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