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First Time With An Airbrush

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 Looking for a bit of advise on how to get started airbrushing my lures. I don't plan to sell my painted hardbaits just want to make some for myself and buddies, but want to turn out some ok looking baits is there any do's and don'ts I need to know before I start.

Edited by Fish_N_Fool
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Get as much brush as you can afford Iwata revolution is a good start but I'm partial to the Iwata HP-CS or BS. don't go cheap on paint, craft paint is doable but there is a bit of a leaning curve. Read up on brush cleaning as this is probably the #1 reason people run into trouble when learning, a dirty brush is the root of all evil.

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Im pretty inexperienced when it comes to air brushing.  What I did was buy a sketch book to practice laying different amounts of paint and trying to fade everything properly.  It helped a bunch.  The other thing I noticed is most paints will need thinning to help go through the gun.  Other than that, there are a bunch of amazing tutorials online that demonstrate techniques.   Look up "Solar baits" youtube page

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I just got into it myself, I bought an Iwata neo gun from hobby lobby, they have the nice 40% off cupon. It seems to work just fine for me. I also made a few stencils using .015 clear lexan ,heat gun and a paint can with my small shop vac. Hooked up to it. Some of the detail I use stencils, sharpies,foam artist sponges, etc. Although I am still learning, I'm hooked.

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