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Plastic Bait Cost Breakdown Help

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If this was already posted I'm sorry I couldn't find it. I am starting to sell plastic baits. I normally paint and sell cranks and only pour for private use. However I dont know the cost breakdown. Can someone tell me how many stick baits can be made with a gallon of Plasisol. 2oz or color, 2oz of glitter and a pint of softener. Those numbers can help me determine my cost per bait more effectivly,

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You got to buy bigger quantitys of materials. You should be able to make a stick bait for about .15-.20

At 30.00 a gallon the plastic cost you .085 at 350 count.

$30 a gallon at 350 is $.09. I buy 4oz coloring and glitter, a quart of softener, pint of oil/scent. Where can I find plastisol for $30. The cheapest I found is $40 at bait junkys but then $28 shipping.
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I recently reviewed in depth financial with the owner of, what is now, a moderately successful bait business.

what I mean by that is that he is able to pretax net $10-12 per hr, cover material and utility costs but without consideration of capital startup.

An early business mistake was counting on volume to cover low per unit material costs. The business just ended up with excess inventory. He now pays more per unit by purchasing smaller quantities but is more profitable by getting materials based on customer orders.

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I never planned on selling plastic baits. I am just recently being asked to because I was successful last season and won my clubs CoAngler Championship using only my baits. So normally A gallon would last me a while just pouring what I needed. Until my order volume rises it is in my best interest to order a gallon at a time.

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I still have 6 or 7 Gals of the stuff....what a foaming mess. I purchased 10 gallons of it way back in the day...used 2 or 3 gallons of it and just couldn't get rid of the bubble issue. Manu wouldn't take back at the time, so I got stuck with it :(

Maybe you should think about using baitjunkies then cause it is calhouns. The six gallon pack is not vacumned so it will have bubbles in a microwave. There other one is the same thing but has been vacuumed.

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Sure you can. I do it before I shoot any bait just in case. It takes about a minute and your plastic will be bubble free. It takes a pump that can pull 29.4 in of vacuum. This way you can buy the least expensive plastic and get bubble free plastic all the time without the premium price. Oh and one note on plastic price if you want the best price buy it in a drum and vacumn it your self, you will save a bundle. But then you will have to buy it from someone who makes it and not a reseller. I am talking about $18 a gallon to your door. With the money you save buy a vacumn system and save for years to come.

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I had a neighbor, in a previous life, who used to buy fiberglass by the drum.  I helped him move those drums with the specialized dolly he had, and load it onto his storage rack.

That ranks right up there with moving carpet and moving steel beams as something I no longer want to ever have to do again.

That was forty years ago.  He lived five houses down, and I can still remember the smell when he was fiberglassing something in his garage.

Edited by mark poulson
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