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Hi all, I have quite a lot of plastic lures I want to put eyes on, my problem is that with my fat clumsy fingers and the stick on eyes, I seem to spend more time peeling the eyes of my fingers than anything else. and really, the eyes don't stick on very well.

I have tried sticking the eyes on and dipping the heads of the lures in clear plastisol and while that does work, it doesn't look that great.

Any advice would be welcome


Thanks in advance from Australia

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I use a small flat tip screwdriver aka pocket screwdriver. Kind of bend  the card so you can get under it with the tip of the blade. Put the eye in the eye socket, holding it in place with your thumb of your other hand. Kind of tilt the screwdriver back toward your thumb and pull the screwdriver out from under the eye. Push the eye  into place. I just dip the eyes in clear plastic. Looks better to me if you dip the whole head.

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