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Introduction And Tail Material Question.

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Hello TU geniuses! I have been lurking on here forever but just recently became a member. Thanks to Vodkaman and many others for their wealth of knowledge. I make pretty poor soft plastics but my hard swimbaits are getting there. Just started using the azek vs casting and what a difference! Will be using the foil/ paper technique as I am no artist. Finally to the question, I have a few lexan tails cut and I like the clarity but the brittleness will be a problem. What is everyone using to cut/cast tails? I was thinking plastisol with a ton of hardener but any feedback would be rad. Thanks!

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You won't have a brittleness problem if you are using polycarbonate (Lexan). If you are finding your material brittle, then it probably isn't Lexan.


If you are set on casting your tails, then plastisol, screwed onto a wire coil, set in your rear end, is one solution. But even with hardener, be prepared to change tails often.


A stronger solution is to use a remelt-able rubber like Gelflex. It is stiffer than plastisol, but a much more resilient solution. You can screw it on as above, or cast a tongue and grove type joint and glue the tail on with CA (superglue) glue.

Personally, I would stick with the Lexan, if you are already happy with the clarity. See what the others have to say before making a decision.


Welcome to TU :)



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