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Flexible Wire Spinnerbaits...anyone?

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I use 035. wire spinner bait frame, knot2kinky 55lb test .018 diameter and a crimp sleeve with .055 inside diameter. Also a Worth swivel and a 4.5 Worth blade. this is a very flimsy spinner bait and should the wire get caught on something and gets in a hard bend over the crimp sleeve, it will break when you try to straighten it. But, I think it is worth making, it is a great spinner bait and vibrates like crazy and it is a fish getter. the crimp sleeve that I use on the blade end of the wire has an inside diameter of .033. this one is not easy to do. You have to squeeze the sleeve slightly and elongate the hole to get the end of the loop back inside it. Hope this helps you.


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The way JBlaze told you to make it is the best way. If you think you can make a full titanium wire bait like a Terminator, well sorry, that has been discussed numerous times and you can't do it from home. The reason being is that the snap back properties of titanium wire only happen after it has been tempered and that requires a special process of putting the wire in special ovens that bake them at a certain temperature for a specific amount of time. Once that wire is tempered it can't be bent, so even if you could buy a wire form that was pre bent, it wouldn't help because you wouldn't be able to either bend a swivel loop to put your blades on or if the loop was already made, you wouldn't be able to get your clevis, spacers and blade on. If you weren't thinking of a full titanium wire for then just disregard.

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I made many of these back in the early 90's. Trial and error showed me I had to use a shrink tube over the flexible cable then slide into a crimping sleeve then crimp.if you didn't the flexible wire would kink and eventually break @ the junction point of the crimping sleeve and cable. They work very well but are time consuming to make. I charged $5-$5.50 per s.b. back then but do not have the time nor inclination to make them again. The flexible cable allows you to slow roll or sub- surface bulge w/out the s.b. rolling over. They have a very good hook-up ratio. I 've caught 5lb.+ LMB w/ the entire s.b. inside their mouths slow rolling.

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This is a little bit off subject but remember those titanium oval split rings some years back?

I saw a guy demo them ... he had a nozzle spraying liquid nitrogen on split ring and he could straighten it out while it was cold. Then as it warmed up the straightened out split ring would go back to its original form. Kind of gimmicki (sp)but pretty cool.

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