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What's the deal with hardener? Do you have to use it sparingly? The reason I ask is because I was shooting some bent worms for flick shake'n and oh man I could barely stir the plastic.  I did use ~1/4 of a cup to 1 3/4 cup of plastic.  Big mistake?  I eventually got the consistency I was looking for but I had to add a ton of softener and re-heat the plastic many times over. 




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It is always easier to soften a hard plastisol than it is to harden a soft plastisol. If you must harden a formula i wouldn't add but a teaspoon at a time to 1 3/4 cup of plastic and go from there. 10% by weight is the maximum I would even recommend to anyone trying harden plastisol. Remember that Hardener does not have heat stabilizer in it so when you add it to plastisol that resin is unprotected from heat (ie easier to scorch). Also keep in mind that baits can take up to 24 hours to reach full and final firmness. They may feel soft when you first pour them but come back tomorrow and they will be slightly stiffer. It is best to get the right formula that works for the majority of your body styles so you don't need to tweak it but only in certain circumstances.

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