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Well I found some patterns on a different lure type that have worked well and I want to apply same patteren to a different type of lure. ( i have asked said company if they would do a run of 50 for me and no response yet)

So lets figure I have to do this on my own. Need ideas for type of paint, type of gun etc...


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There's a thread that has ask question about what you are asking. But I'll help, paints; most use createx paints, some use wicked (still made by createx). I have some opaque colors and inks but mostly transparent, perals. I use auto air for sealer/primer. I'm sure that there are other brands that are just as good.

Not guns, but brushes which has been chatted about a lot. My opinion is that a quality one is the most important, whether it's a Badger, Iwata or Paasche air brush.

Compressor; a good compressor that can give you a constant pressure (flow, volume). Whether it a quiet model or a load shop model. Normal pressure is about 40 psi and down that we use. You will need good gauge that you can see and a quality regulator. Some even have a secondary one at them. Some brushes have a fine tune one built in.

Stencils; you can buy them for plastic blanks or make them yourself for plastics or wooden. Knowing if you shape your own wooden baits, your size consistency will not be the same for half profile stencils.

A hair dryer or a heat gun is needed IMO. For heat setting your paint.

Homemade tools, jigs. There are to many to mention here.

Other topics are in the forums. Up at the top of each forum page there is a search box, where you can find information. There is a "How to do" site here also.

I hope this helped,

Take Care,


Edited by DaleSW
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