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Black And White Pro-Tec Powder

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I have been having this problem with my black and white Pro-Tec powder paint.  I can't seem to keep it from having volcanos.  Its not even rising it just shoots up out of the cup.  I have tried brown paper bag, 20# copy paper, and now the tyrex or what ever from shipping envelopes.  Nothing seems to work with those two colors.


My orange, pink, purple, and green pumpkin all work perfect with the brown paper bag.  I really need to get these colors working for me.


I glued two of the tyrex shipping envelopes together last night and I am going to see if it works on my lunch break.  Wish me luck!

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You can join many of the folks on here when it comes to white. White powder paint is a heavier pigment and many people have problems with it. Black to me is hit and miss. You already have an idea on what you need to do, so keep changing media, and you will find something that will work. Also if your air pump is close by your fluid bed, the vibration will help the fluid bed.

Edited by cadman
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walking dead,  you say newspaper..... just plain sunday paper stuff ? it can't be that simple can it?  Those fed ex envelopes I bought weren't cheap and finding brown paper bags these days.  I can't wait to try out newspaper tonight.  I will post my results.  And what is APDRIVER? 



cadman, I use 2" pvc cut to around 3" long for my cups and I have been gluing my media to the bottom.  I had my local hardware store cut up a 24" piece for me and I have a few pieces left to keep trying out different media.  Do you have any other ideas I might be able to try? 



And doubling up the tyrex from the envelopes didn't work same thing with the high volcanos.  I now have a combination of the tyrex and brown bag drying.

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Apdriver is a handle for a guy on here.


Just plain news paper.  Try sheet numbers until you get what you like.  I like 4 sheets.  I lay them over the pvc and push my cup onto the top.  Turn on the pump and adjust.  Lay the pump up next to the pvc for the agitating.


Some use coffee filters and have success. 


I put my operation onto a paper plate to collect any powder that should drift.  Not much though.


White and GP are the toughest for me but this technique seems to work.  Keep the powder moisture free!

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 And what is APDRIVER? 



cadman, I use 2" pvc cut to around 3" long for my cups and I have been gluing my media to the bottom.  I had my local hardware store cut up a 24" piece for me and I have a few pieces left to keep trying out different media.  Do you have any other ideas I might be able to try? 




Apdriver is a member on this forum.


The only thing I can think of trying is vacuum cleaner bags. The Tyvek, you could have gotten free form the P.O. that's what I use. You can also try allergy free pillow cases, but that is not a given.


My other questions are. How old is the powder paint and where do you store it? Do you keep it closed when not in use? You may have one of those things that you cannot fix. Stuff happens.

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I will give the newspaper a shot today after work.  Coffee filters didn't work for me either.  thanks walking dead


Cadman, these are powders I just received this week and I have lids for my cups and I store them in a cabinet in the house to keep dry.  The P.O. will be closed when I get off today maybe tomorrow I can get an envelope from there and see if it makes a difference.  And maybe the wife has a few extra vacuum bags for the Kirby that will work.  Thanks

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Cadman, these are powders I just received this week and I have lids for my cups and I store them in a cabinet in the house to keep dry.


Just a note. When not using your fluid bed make sure you take all the powder paint out of the fluid bed, and put it back in the original container and make sure you close it tightly. Powder paint is notorious for absorbing moisture. Once there is too much in the powder it is almost impossible to get out (rendering it useless). Powder paint is the hardest to work with in the summer, when it is hot and humid. Many colors are not affected, but there are some that will always give you problems. It's the nature of the beast.

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We take all these precautions storing in original containers and putting the lids on tight, but we may be introducing some moisture through our air supply. I haven't used a fluid bed in a long time, but when I had trouble with white I cut it with clear powder. Sometimes a 50/50 mix. I have since switched to pearl white.

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You might have to order the Priority Mail Tyvek envelopes.  Not all offices have them in stock.  They're still free.  


I got half a sheet of 3/16th porous plastic plate and have been using that to build my cups.  Works quite well and the cost per cup is about $2.75 for 3" cups.


I also use a high quality air pump.  It has four outlets and is currently driving four 3" and one 2" bed.


One thing that hasn't been mentioned is you can cut those powders with a good clear and it will lighten them up quite a bit.  I use the pearl white from Rosey's and have no problem with it out of the bag.  I use a high gloss black from the same source and have to cut it with about 20% clear to get it to work like I want.

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Limpnoodle, I will try the Priority mail tyvek envelopes if I can find them.  What is porous plastic plate?  Got a picture?  And I have pearl white and it works okay, I just wanted a whiter white if that makes since.  And I haven't seen clear unless I have just over looked it.  Where do you get your powders?


Basseducer, so what you are saying is I should mix my new jar of white with my new jar of pearl?

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The porous plastic plate is called fluidizing plate. If you buy a fluid bed from TJ's or similiar places thats what will be in the bottom of the cups.

Instead of gluing your filter media on there is a simpler better way.

Go to the store and buy some knock out test caps.

Place one in the end of your PVC and knock out the center and discard.

Remove the remaining ring and set aside.

Place your media over the end of the cup and replace the ring from the knock out test caps.

You should now have a tight membrane on the bottom of the cup that is replaceable in less than a minute.


Edited by Kasilofchrisn
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finally got them to upload.


Kasilofchrisn could you post a pic of what you are talking about.


I need to get some clear I guess and give that a shot. 


thank you to everyone of all the help and great ideas.  I have newspaper drying now, hope to check that when I go home for lunch today.













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Pretty much all of them will.  I've heard that Dormant powders don't work well but I've never tried any of them.


Some of my favorite paints are the Pearlescent white from Rosey's, Power Bait from Prismatic, Shimmer Glass from Prismatic, heavy silver from Prismatic, clear starburst from Rosey's.

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Kasilofchrisn could you post a pic of what you are talking about.



Well I don't have more pics right now though it is pretty simple.

Take those knock out test caps I posted a picture of earlier. They come in all the common PVC sizes and cost ~$0.39 looking at your pics it looks like you already have some capping your cups.

Now take a knock out test cap and place it in your PVC your going to use as a cup.

Set it on a hard surface test cap up.

Using a hammer knock out the center of the test cap. It should come out without much trouble and can be discarded.

If the edges are ragged you can use a half round bastard file to clean them up but this is optional.

Remove that remaining outer ring from the test cap and set it aside.

Cut your filter membrane slightly bigger than your cup diameter.

Place your filter membrane over the cup and replace the outer ring left over from the knock out test cap.

you may need to tap the ring on with your hammer depending on the membrane thickness. 

You should now have a nice tight membrane that is easily replace or switched to a different one in under a minute.

To replace the membrane just dump out your powder.

Then remove the test cap ring discard old membrane place a new one over the cup and replace the ring.

Then your done and can refill and test the new membrane material..


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I don't get to crazy on my colors.  I have tried to stay with black, brown, white, green pumpkin, orange, and purple.  I may try a red or yellow but I am trying to stay pretty basic.  Do you have pictures of jigs with those colors you mentioned?

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