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Do-It Underspin Mold

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I made my first baits with this mold last night with the Mustad 32746 hooks recommended on Barlows site. I got a lot of flashing at the hook eye, filling the eye on most baits.

A 5/0 hook fits but the 4/0 does not, with the hook eye being too small. Is the Gami 604 hook or Ownet 5318 a better fit ?

Due to the tips posted on here I only ruined I of 36 when closing the wire loop. I bought the recommended blade sizes - wondering what Size you guys are using?

I plan to distribute the ones I made to some buddies for feedback and try a few myself the next few days.

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That 32746 4/0 fits only the smaller cavity.  5/0 works on all others, just like Barlow put on his web, at least on my mold.  No issues what so ever.  Use drop out if you are not and it will improve the pour.


The Gamy 604 is what the Do It folks built it around.  Fits great if you use the correct size.


Not tried the Owner.


As far as blades, his chart is a great guide.  If you cut your own wire you can go bigger with a longer wire.  Almost like an upside down spinner bait.  I personally do not care for it that way.

Edited by Walking Dead
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