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Spraying Clear Coat With Air Brush

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I just finished 34 muskie baits and I decided to clear coat them by using an air brush. I used a cheap brush from Arbor Freight and actually the cheaper brush for this application is better, has a larger nozle


I used 3 different clear coat, to see the difference in the different clear coats


Envirotex, thinned out with denatured alcohol

Devcon two ton 30 minutes, also thinned with denatured alcohol

Acme a1 auto finish clear coat 4 to 1 ratio, no thinning needed

All 3 look very promising, the Devcon looks the best

Drawback, had to come out of the basement and in to the open garage and wore a mask, but it's very fast

Both the Devcon and the A1 auto clear will dry fast, the A1 can do a second coat in about 8 minutes


Question:  as any one here has used Du-pont Mason auto clear coat, I would like to try it, but I am having troubl locating which Mason auto clear the basement guys are you using, If any one has that info I would appreciated which one is used, thanks



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gino. automotive clears are superior on plastic and metal lures. great choice. we use it in production runs here. 35 years of spraying it. mix 4to1 shoot 35lbs. and have a good blower system. its uv protected also.. transtar urethane clears affordable ,cheaper the DuPont clears.

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you will be happy after a few hours you can handle baits. in 24 hours its rock hard. thin coat but durable,wont yellow.,plus it plays well with all paints from water base to lacquer base., just be sure to clean airbrush tips with lacquer thinners or acetone.

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Just be sure to use proper breathing protection if you spray anything!

Many years ago, I was spraying a wood preservative on the job that contained dioxin, without a respirator.  I had brushed it on before, with no problems, so I thought it would be safe to spray with a Hudson sprayer.  


I wound up in the hospital with virus in my spine and permanent nerve damage, because the dioxin had lowered my blood/brain barrier.

Take the proper precautions.  The finishes that are used today contain some really nasty stuff.

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Any time that you put yourself to airborne chemical vapors, I would say there is a issue. Won't hurt to wear a respirator with proper filters and glasses.

After seeing things I am all for safety. I'll tell what an epoxy did to a guy. Make it short and sweet. He looked like the Pillsbury Doughboy. He was allergic to a chemical in the epoxy paint. It was cutting his airway off. Eye's close shut from swelling.

Safety first,


Edited by DaleSW
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