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Finally Making Some Plastics

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Well I posted a little under a year ago that I was new here and ordered some items to start making my own plastics. Today I finally dove in and gave it a shot.

I can't even remember what type of MF I bought, but the only mold I bought was the 6" BT stick. Also got a 6oz injector and a few colors and glitters. I started with something simple, watermelon seed. How can you screw that up. Lol!

The color is ok a little dark but all in all decent bait. I'm not using a thermometer so temp is unknown and I think that may be my issue. I know I did start out with too little of plastic but really getting a lot of bubbles. I got 6 unsalted sticks before I went crazy and added salt. That was a mistake as like I said I got a little crazy with salt. Not paying attention I got a little too much in there. Long story short of my watermelon seed pulled 2 salted sticks and ended up burning the plastic.

After letting the previous batch cool enough to pull out of my Pyrex and scrap I decided to go with a new color. After reading a few recipes on here i decided to create a version of junebug. For some reason I like red flake in most of my baits so I added red flake in as well. I did my first injection of my junebug and actually got all 4 in one shot. But the color was a little transparent but I will still use them. Added more color and tried again. The second injection didn't go as well. Bubbles on bubbles. The bottom bait turned out but the other three looked like I was making 6" tubes.

All in all it was interesting, still learning and had a little fun. Happy with what I did end up producing and will hopefully catch a fish or two on em. Oh I did end up pulling a small scale out and doing what I could to weigh them. I weighed a slightly used senko and got .535oz. The two I had salted weighed in at .547oz and no salt .447oz. Not bad id say but time and fish will tell how good they are

Once I figure out how to get some pics here I'll post em up

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