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Brent R

What Kind Of Thread

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What kind of thread should i use to hand tie a spinnerbait, buzzbait and jig skirt. I need to know the size of the thread... should it be waxed or not....and the difference in 3.0 and 210. I guess by now you know i don't have a clue what i'm doing. So any help would be nice. Thanks


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There are a lot of good threads out there. I have broken many, as I seem to tie very tight. I now use Coats and Clarks Upholstery thread. I have never broken it yet. You can buy it at Michaels or Jo-Anne Fabrics. Comes in white, black, beige, brown, and olive.

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I use Danville flat waxed nylon in 210 denier, I'm used to how tight I can get it without breaking.  Flat, waxed thread does two things, first it is flat so it doesn't build up as fast and the wax not only helps grip the material, but it also allows the thread to be pulled tight without creating friction spots which can cause breakage. You can also use Ultra Thread GSP 280, that is gel spun thread and it is really strong but it also builds up faster and then if you don't care about how much build up you get, you can use Big Fly Thread 400 denier, that will work well also.

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I use 210 flat waxed to tie the skirt off.  Then I go over that with two wraps of 26 gauge wire.  I've taken off the wire to change a skirt and the skirt would have been just fine with only the thread but it never comes off with wire.  I finish the thread by doing two half-hitches.  I use the same thread on hair jigs but cover the thread with flexible cement.

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I use 210 flat waxed to tie the skirt off.  Then I go over that with two wraps of 26 gauge wire.  I've taken off the wire to change a skirt and the skirt would have been just fine with only the thread but it never comes off with wire.  I finish the thread by doing two half-hitches.  I use the same thread on hair jigs but cover the thread with flexible cement.

Like Daves flexament? Otherwise known as E 6000 thinned with Weldwood rubber cement thinner?

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