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Kbs Diamond Finish Question

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I see LPO is now selling this and I was wondering if any of you have used it before. If you have used it, I was wondering if you could provide me with some information. There is thinner available for it and my first question is about that, do you need to thin it out to brush it on? Can you use another thinner or does it have to be KBS? Does this need to be applied in multiple thin coats or is it 1 coat coverage? My last question is about durability, it is as strong at epoxy and is it worm proof? I know it is a lot but I would really appreciate any help, I have used Devcon for years, it is a little slow to work with but it has really worked so much better than other clear coats I have tried that I sort of gave up and just stayed with Devcon but I'm curious if this would be worth the investment as I assume I'd need a drying wheel to use it. Thanks in advance.

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If you try it you will like! However you do not want to use a turner with it or you will end up with bubbles. Just let it drip off. You can brush it or dip it or spray it. Use xylene/xylol (spelling?) for thinning.....you don't have to thin but can like 20%. KBS is very thin however will thicken over time....but NOTHING like dick nite mcu. One coat is good, however you can recoat in about an hour. Very durable, very clear, outstanding clear coat.  

Does not surprise me that LPO is stocking it, it is perfect for lures.

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