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Could Acetone Cause Bubbles In Deacon 2T Finish?

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Acetone flashes off so quickly I doubt it's leaving anything behind after cleaning.


Denatured alcohol works better for me than acetone both to thin the epoxy and clean the brush. I do use acetone after cleaning the brush with denatured alcohol, but that's just to remove any alcohol that may be left in the brush. A tiny amount of epoxy can be left behind mixed in with the alcohol and the last rinse with acetone is just to remove that before storing the brush.



Edited by RayburnGuy
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I also use denatured alcohol to thin Devcon. I tried acetone many years ago and had all kinds of trouble with the epoxy. I agree with Ben that the acetone flashes off so quickly that it should probably not be leaving behind any solvent that would compromise your mix, just used to clean a brush. I use lacquer thinner to clean my brush and it works fine too. I suspicion that your bubbles are being caused by air inside the wood that is trying to escape when the wood is brought to a higher temperature after application of the epoxy. I keep the bait at the same temp as it was during application of the epoxy while it cures to avoid that problem. It will cure hard in any ambient temp down to 40 degrees, in my experience.

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