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Hey guys I am thinking of getting into a airbrush kit. I have been on amazon looking at the Master G22 kit that is 79.99 with the compressor. I really don't have a bunch of cash to drop at the moment on it and just want to see if I will like it. But I know fishing and if it's the same as a baitcaster you have to spend a little money to give it a real shot vs going for the cheapest thing which turns out to be junk and makes you hate it.

Or if anyone has another suggestion. I was hoping to get lucky here in the classified section but no such luck. Any suggestion would be appreciated.

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The biggest gripe I had with lower cost airbrush sets was the air pressure on the compressor was too low for my taste. They advertise the max pressure that the compressor will develop but that is almost always about 15 psi higher than you actually get one second after you pull the trigger on your air brush. So the "30 psi" claim on a Chinese brush compressor actually means you get a sustained psi of around 15 psi, which is too low to shoot some of the pearls and flake paints that are popular with crankbait painters. I took a look at some of the Master G22 offerings online and none of them stated the pressure that the compressor would develop, so I'd be wary until I knew what that is. Personally, I want a max pressure of 45 psi or greater for a compressor since that suggests that it will shoot sustained at 30 psi when I want it to.

Like Mark says, you get what you pay for. One thing that many of us have opted to do is use a tool compressor that incorporates an air tank for airbrushing. Lots of pressure available. No pulsing of air like you can often get with a small tankless compressor. You can also use it for other chores around the house/garage if needed.

Airbrushes are precision devices. Discount airbrushes may work just fine or they may not. Some guys use them and like them. But if they get out of adjustment, it can be hard to make them work right again and replacement parts can be a crap shoot. Bottom line, if that's what you can afford, it may be worth a shot but know you may be wishing for a brush from Iwata, Paasche, or another name brand before too long.

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Great advise......save a little more money and you'll never have to buy another brush or compressor. If not, you'll be throwing away your money. I've used the HF compressors. The 1/5hp says 58psi but like BobP says it drops down more than half that when to depress the trigger....which means you will be thinning pearls, white black, iridescent, etc.....and if you put it on the table it will vibrate right off and on the floor....I didn't know whether to laugh or cry when that happened....I would suggest using paint made for airbrushes....you want to avoid as many headaches as possible and limit any frustration....The search engine in the top right corner.....is the best friend you have! Have fun!

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This is the compressor I bought didnt cost that much




This is the Air Brush




This is the Mac Valve I have


Edited by Ultimate Predators
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An Iwata Revolution BR is what I use and it sells for around $90 online. Buy a hose and air control valve for any tool compressor and you're in business. I use a Porter Cable 135 psi unit with a 6 gal tank for air. The Iwata has a .3 mm tip which is a good general size for crankbait painting. Total cost around $250.

There are some low cost Chinese airbrush compressors that advertise 45 psi and greater, which I think would be acceptable. Can't give you a site, but you can find them if you do some online research.

Edited by BobP
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haha ya i was just about to just order that Master kit because I heard the compressor was good just to see if i liked it. then upgrade the brush around december. But decided to cruise neighboring craigslist and found this one 3 hours away for $200. and like i said it literally looks brand new.

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  On 10/15/2016 at 5:00 PM, RayburnGuy said:

Check out Hobby Lobby if you have one near you. You can get an Iwata airbrush and save a good bit of money with their 40% off coupon.



I quit shopping Hobby Lobby because they posted a tiny sign in the entrance that stated they reserved the right to search my vehicle if it was parked in their lot, which of course I do not give them. 

Michael's does the same thing with coupons though. 

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  On 10/22/2016 at 8:00 PM, jigginpig said:

I quit shopping Hobby Lobby because they posted a tiny sign in the entrance that stated they reserved the right to search my vehicle if it was parked in their lot, which of course I do not give them. 

Michael's does the same thing with coupons though. 

Why in the world would they want to be able to search your vehicle?   Do they have that much theft?  That is weird.

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I don't want to veer off into politics, but Hobby Lobby is, uh, shall we say... paternalistic. I suspect they have no more or less theft than any big box purveyor of craft related detritus. But they do have a bit of an attitude. Sorta like Charlton Heston playing Moses, but with less authenticity and more hubris. 

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  On 10/15/2016 at 2:59 PM, mark poulson said:

Just remember, you get what you pay for.

Having a good air brush that works well will allow you to enjoy air brush painting, instead of spending your time cleaning and cursing.

Yes  I will say amen to that .. cheap brushes paint great the first few times.. then you spend more time cleaning than painting .. I bought 1 badger airbrushes on eBay .. and an iwata.. now I paint more than I clean .. I have 100 in these .. just bought a used badger crescendo today for 40 bucks shipped .. so buy the cheap ones like I did .. and cuss and scream or just paint 

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And Air Brush Restorer is your friend.  Taking your air brush apart and soaking it overnight every six months will remove the old paint that inevitably get trapped in the brush over time.  It can even loosen a frozen needle.

Here's a link.  Scroll down to the Restorer.  It's in the left hand column.


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  On 10/24/2016 at 8:19 AM, jigginpig said:

I don't want to veer off into politics, but Hobby Lobby is, uh, shall we say... paternalistic. I suspect they have no more or less theft than any big box purveyor of craft related detritus. But they do have a bit of an attitude. Sorta like Charlton Heston playing Moses, but with less authenticity and more hubris. 

Watch your language! Some of us don't like readin words we can't understand!

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