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Epoxy not drying

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Hey guys, great information about lure painting from all you pros out there. I'd like to ask a question if I may. I just finished my first lure paint job in which I used the following.

1. I basecoated my lure with a white enamel.

2. I then sprayed on my main lure color with Createx "Pearl Silver".

3. I then sprayed on my under coat across the top with a blend of Createx "Yellow" and a few drops of "Black" to get my "olive" color I wanted.

4. I next painted on my back coat of Createx "Opaque Black".

5. Painted on my eyes with yellow and a black dot and my kill spot on the side.

Now my question is, I coated the lure with Devcon "5 minute" epoxy (I know I need to use 30 minute, but Wally world only had the 5 minute in stock), since this was my first attempt I really did not worry about the yellowing of the epoxy. The problem I have is the epoxy is not drying! I tried another lure this afternoon with the same glue and it did not dry either. Am I doing something wrong with the steps?

Thanks in advance,











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First of all, don't take short cuts, especially on your first bait. There is a bunch of knowledge here and guys who have tried the same things all beginners try. There are things that will work and things that don't. Use this forum to gain the knowledge of others. Everyone here is great and will help you.

I would say that you probably did not stir / mix the devcon 5 up well enough if it will not dry. Even had you mixed it up properly, the working time is not enough to coat the bait. Go find yourself some DEVCON 2-TON and mix it up. It will turn cloudy and then clear. Do NOT mix with anything wooden. Don't get aggrivated, all the answers are right here.


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BassinBob, Tally is right. Personally, Ive Been There seen it done it and that has happened to me as well. I have tried 2 things, but neither is great! You can just coat the Devcon 2 Ton right over the mess you already made. Make sure it is stirred right as Tally Suggested. OR.. try to get the 5 minute stuff off. NOT a good idea at all though. It could actually ruin your paint job. But save the lure by adding the 2 Ton! You might have to make at least two coats. And lightly sand the first coat after it has dried. The 5 minute will probably be a little rough in areas and not lay flat on the lure. Be very careful cause the first coat of 2 Ton believe it or not "could be a little tacky though. Im speaking from experience, so...... thats do it that way, its the best way to save it. Now the next news, is that the added Devcon is going to throw the weight of the lure off a little. It could actually be a little heavier than more that you make of the same size. But for a first time, its LEARN as you go! Im still tryying to fix my screw ups. And a screw up to me still is a good thing. Its like the McGyver theory. Put me in a predicament so I can learn how to get out of it! Keep with it! Cody

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You made a beautiful bait there Bob. If it looks like you can salvage it just put the Devcon 2 Ton over the top as Bass mentioned. I found its best to mix Devcon in a dixie cups as this eliminates the possibility of having some of the glue get off to the side and out of the mixture. I like to cut the top of the cup off so it's shorter, mix for about a minute making sure you include all the edges and center several times over. Keep at it, like anything else, practice, practice, practice.


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I ruined a whole bunch of baits one time with Devcon 2 ton. It never did dry, I looked at one the other day(about 1 year after) and the Devcon turned dark yellow. I had used some that was about a year old. Someone said it may have been from parts a & b mixing from the tips not being cleaned off. I also know that it will absorb moisture from the air if not sealed poperly.

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Takes me a week to paint lures and temperture and humidity mean alot in cure time. Everytime you mix paint _take note exactly how much you messured. You can buy Olive color paint from the Duncan company already made for airbrush. To store paint remove the air.(squeez) the plastic bottle till the paint gets tothe surface and seal or top it off.If its a can then buy glass jars or good plastic bottles for airbrusing and top them off.I elimanate the can after its open. If I found tacky paint> I would strip it and start over.Hasen't happened.

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