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fishing nut

making your own mold

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Hey fishing nut,

You can super glue soft plastic baits to the bottom of a glass baking dish then pour in your mold compound. Fiberglass resin or rtv silicone. There are alot of helpful threads in the forums on this topic. You can find them by using the search options at the top of the page.

The mold in Woodsac's tutorial was made this way if I'm not mistaken..

Here's a link to the his tutorial on pouring. http://www.tackleunderground.com/mx/index.php?page=10&mode=article&k=13

Tight lines,


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You have a couple of options if you want to make the mold from silicone.

If you're using a soft plastic with a flat side (either the top or bottom) you just need to be patient and slowly work the bait into the silicone leaving the flat portion exposed.

If you are wanting to mold a round bait, try and feed a steel wire through it. Very thin, like maybe 22 or 24 gauge? That might make it rigid enough to insert into the silicone.

You could also try only filling the frame up 1/2 or 2/3 of the way, inserting the bait as far as possible, then adding the remaing silicone. The only problem with this, is that you will probably have gaps (air bubbles) along the sides of the bait.

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Out of silicone caulk. I wanted a mold to pour just a few slug-gos. It was real easy!!! Just work the bait down into the silicone slow and wait.

I used one of our old rubbermaid containers that was shallow (with the promise to the wife that I would buy a new one to replace it). It did take the mold about 36 hours to dry but it is great. I will being pouring some baits in it sometime soon.


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If the jig trailer you are molding has one completely flat side, just insert the bait enough to cover it and leave the flat part exposed.

If not, it doesn't really matter. You'll just have to remember which side is the top and which one is the bottom to determine which color you pour first if you use more then one color.

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If it is your first time making a mold stay away from RTV silicone 1 galon of this stuff runs 200+ I suggest to start making your molds w/ plaster a paris you can buy it at walmart in the craft section 8lbs for 5 bucks. It will take 3 days to dry completey then you can coat it w/ fibergalss resin and it will last forever unless you break it. I say use plaser a paris because it is very cheap and you can remove the mold from its cast the first day and fix all of your mistakes with a small knife. If your using RTV or resin you deal with nasty fumes and worry about it drying too fast or too slow and RTv isalmost impossible to make correctons in and resin you will need a dremel to smooth out the rough edges unless your a pro at making molds w/ it. For your first attempt I strongly suggest trying plaster a paris.


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Hey Taylor :)

I'm not sure that information is really all that accurate... $200.00 plus for a gallon on rtv? ZOINKS SCOOB! Where have you seen it at that price? Fumes? only fumes I know come from household silicones. The RTV doesn't really have any fumes.. and to smell them you have to put your nose in the mix... has a sweet odor (but don't taste it...rubber turds ya know :()

Smooth-on sells rtv moldmax 40 for $80.00 a gallon or $20.00 a 2lb trial kit :D

Before embedding your model you can brush on a thin layer of whatever mold compound your using to eliminate surface bubbles. Any excess can be trimmed from the mold once it has cured. If the model's perfect..the mold will be perfect.

Tight lines,


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I GET FREE RTV!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! my dad gets it from this guy he knows, how do u make a mold out of rtv and what do you have to do. Right now i have like 5 squeeze tubes of it. Oh i just made my first silicone mold, senko imitiation waiting for it to dry. That was a great toturial would have never done it with out that and thanks for all the people who helped me out. When it dries do you like to coat the silicone with epoxy or something or can you just use it as is.

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fishing nut,

rtv in squeeze tubes... sounds like something from plumbing supply?

What brand is it? Whats the cure time? You can't coat the rtv silicone with anything. Nothing sticks to it other than more rtv. The mold cavities are usually smooth and don't require any coating other than maybe some pam or worm oil.

Are you trying to build a 1 part or 2 part mold? The guys here in soft plastics got alot of great home brew molds and are very helpful.


Ya lurecraft is repackaging and marking it up. I seen they have 10lb kit.. thats a gallon pail for $192.00. Same product is sold direct from smooth-on. Moldmax 20 I believe


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I GET FREE RTV!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! my dad gets it from this guy he knows, how do u make a mold out of rtv and what do you have to do. Right now i have like 5 squeeze tubes of it.

I'm thinking this might be some sort of automotive rtv? If so, unfortunately it doesn't work.

Two major problems with this type of rtv. The most obvious is that you can't pour it. Squeezing it leaves tons of air pockets and imperfections in the mold cavities. The second is the biggest problem, it doesn't cure. :? When you actually have to use this type of rtv in any thickness over 1/2" it just never cures in the center. The heat of the plastic breaks it down and ruins it.

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Anyone who needs help with plaster molds give me a PM.... I have made loads of them and they work great! Real cheap and real eazy to reproduce..... I keep thinking about doing a tutorial, but it would be long because I have learned alot of tricks that are important and they work for me. Anyway I would be happy to share my experience with anyone who might be able to benefit from it. However I only do one sided molds, never got brave enough for the 2 sided dudes, but I might one day.....hmmm


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If anyones interested in a 2 part plaster mold tutorial let me know it would be fairly lengthy but thats what happens when you effectively throw away 6 or so kilo's of plaster getting it right, I've got free pouring mold instructions and injectable versions that use the netcraft $10 hand injectors.

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FishNNut, I noticed on NYBASS that you plan on pouring your own and are considering making your own molds. What types of lures were you thinking of making and do you prefer 2 sided versus flat sided?

Two sided plaster molds work very well, though not as well as a professionally made metal mold for look if not the fucnction (action).


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John (kidlizzard).. Don't be afraid to try a two part mold, its a breeze. I pour my Slim Swim swimbait in two part molds. I also pour lead jigs in two part molds made of plaster. They are so easy, I hardly pour in my one sided molds any more. Both can be seen in the photo gallery.

Here is a pic of my slim swim mold, staight pour, no injecting.










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