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mark poulson

A Talented Guy Shared His Technique

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Well, short story long, he showed a couple of different baits.

One, an orange and green craw crank, he said he painted by shooting successive layers of trans Createx over his white base coat, and then lightly dabbing off each color from areas to get a layered effect.  He said he went from light to dark.  It made a neat mottled craw effect.


"Here is another simple technique I use on crawdads. I paint the base white, heat set. I spray on the first color then heat set, wipe off certain spots with a paper towel,. I spray on the second color then heat set wipe off certain spots. I do that with every color. Go from light colors to dark colors. This only works with transparent colors so you can see the color under it. Then clear coat as usual."


Another bait he shot orange, then black over that and then, while the black was wet, he used some bunched up plastic to move the paint around, exposing the orange and achieving an almost flame effect.


"This is a crawdad I did. I only used two colors and the black was put on wet and wrapped with clear plastic wrap to get the flame look. Here is a video of how I did it:



Like I said, it was neat, and, at least to me, very creative.

The best part is that he shared his techniques for both!

Edited by mark poulson
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  On 10/31/2016 at 4:22 AM, jrhopkins said:

hey Mark, is that my facebook page?


Hahaha  I'm guessing Facebook sometimes doesn't like to be shared.

It could be different people's ad block or spyware that prevents it from being seen, or just my lousy internet skills.


I'm sitting here, thinking of putting his flame pattern on a shallow squarebill I have, and then I realized I don't have a lure holder like he uses.  Doh!!!

Oh, well, another project!

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They changed the privacy settings on the page to closed group, so you won't be able to see it unless you are a member there. It's a good group of people and pretty well maintained. I think they are accepting requests, they just try to keep the telemarketers and such out.

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Then that group is not like this TU group. I've find help here, I don't believe there is jealously here or false praising for good work or an idea.

Last thing that this brings to thought for me, I don't have to impress anybody or anything except for the fish. Painting is just a part of the whole.



Edited by DaleSW
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  On 11/13/2016 at 10:09 AM, northrivergeek said:

You cant see it because its a private facebook group , which mark and I are both in custom crankbait techniques .. its mostly just a place people try to impress each other with paint jobs lol .. not so much a how to group


They impress me!  Of course, I'm impressed by legible handwriting, too.  Anything I can't do myself.  Hahaha

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  On 11/13/2016 at 1:52 PM, rhahn427 said:

What is the name of the group ........ I'd like to join

custom crankbait techniques, search under groups

Of course there is help to be had if you ask .. I joined a couple months ago .. just to see what other where painting .. it does have other good things .. but it is more of a show case than diy

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Ok I woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning. :)

I consider cranks now as designing them also, making them do as I want or for that matter what someone else wants. I do know this many here have made me better at doing this.

My apologies, I'll now go to the corner for 10 minutes or so. :D


Edited by DaleSW
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  On 11/13/2016 at 9:30 PM, northrivergeek said:

custom crankbait techniques, search under groups

Of course there is help to be had if you ask .. I joined a couple months ago .. just to see what other where painting .. it does have other good things .. but it is more of a show case than diy

Thanks ........ I just requested to join

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