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Core shot

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I've been messing around with doing core shots today. Still need to figure out proper temps but I think I might have a technique or two that works. 


I tried pouring the outside color by hand into the mold then quickly shooting the core color. I think this could work okay on some molds but I couldn't fill the tails on either my fluke or paddle tail molds. 


What I've found to work is to hand pour in one half of the mold and dip a piece of wire into the core color and drag it on top of the half already poured.  Then just build up as much of the core color as I want, close the mold and shoot the rest of the outside color.


Here are my results from today. Still need to practice!




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I was dippining the wire in hot plastic (core color) and letting it run off onto the poured half of the bait. This leaves a line of the core color. I've now substituted the piece of wire for a screwdriver which gives me better control. I might need to do a video.

Edited by joelhains
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How I use to do it in a hand poured 5" stick which might work for you.  Measure your cavity to the length you want the core shot color, get an old metal clothes hanger and cut to match + 1" to bend up.  Pour your half as usual and place the wire on it but don't allow it to submerge completely you want just a little of it exposed, with the bend at the res opening, let cool and pull/lift the wire.  Be sure and use a release agent on the wire, and you should have a cavity that you can apply your shot color that is deep & wide  enough to be able to pour.  Make sure your port for each cavity is clear before injecting.  I just used a clothes hanger because it was handy you can use any diameter wire you want to increase the amount of core shot color.   In the beginning I'd have a 30% success ratio and with some practice I got it up to 85%.  Hope this works for you, been a long time since I did it personally so I don't think I left anything out.

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I've been messing around with baits again and am finally getting my technique dialed in. The results are turning out really well. Here are a few baits from this morning.


Just wanted to add a side note: The stickbaits were made with GBM. They have a nearly identical sink rate as GY Senkos but I can't believe just how clear the plastic turned out. I'm very pleased with the result!







Edited by joelhains
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You can also suck up the outter color last in your hand injector.. just a little bit maybe 1/3 of the lure. Shoot the lure, the last color in will be the outer color and the core will push the rest of the outer color to the outside and end of the lure, and the core will run through the entire lure.  Hard to recycle the unshot material from the hand injector but it works. 


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On 12/9/2016 at 1:58 PM, joelhains said:

I've been messing around with baits again and am finally getting my technique dialed in. The results are turning out really well. Here are a few baits from this morning.


Just wanted to add a side note: The stickbaits were made with GBM. They have a nearly identical sink rate as GY Senkos but I can't believe just how clear the plastic turned out. I'm very pleased with the result!








What's GBM?

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6 hours ago, FrogAddict said:

Thanks guys! Does GBM have the same health concerns as the micro balloons?


No. The problem with micro balloons is they are so small and so light that they linger in the air and and you breath them in. GBM is heavy enough and large enough you can separate single beads in your fingers. There is virtually no dust to breath in.

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