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@FATFLATTIE To the best of my knowledge, the classifieds are working. I mentioned that in a post sometime in the last day or two.


Classifieds posted before the upgrade might not display photos correctly, But if a new classified ad is posted, it should work. If it doesn't, please let me know.

Also as I have mentioned, this whole process has taken longer than I wanted it to. I have to rely on a third party developer to do things that I cant do, so it drags the process out a bit.

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I have updated the HomePage link in the browse menu. This will prevent people from clicking on it and landing on a dead end link and then telling me that the classifieds aren't working.

The classifieds have been working for quite some time. And I have repeated many times that all you need to do to access them is to click BROWSE in the top menu and then click on Classifieds. But for some reason, people have persisted with clicking on HomePage in the Browse menu and then tried to get to the classifieds from there, which doesn't currently work.

This should solve the problem for everyone.

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From what I can see, all things related with navigating to the Classifieds are working as they should be.

I have also placed a feed showing the latest classifieds on the home page now. So if you land on www.tackleunderground.com, instead of going to the forums first, you will see a column on the left side of the page showing a list of the latest classified ads.

Please let me know if you experience any further issues with the classifieds.


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