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Propionate as top coat

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Hello and cheers from Sweden!

I have been casting these really small ice jigs (a couple of hundreds) and now I am considering using propionate as the top coat for them.
The reason why I am looking into propionate is that the lifetime seems really good and I can dip them which saves me time.

But how is the finish on the propinate?
Is there anyone that have some pictures to show? that would be awesome!

Edited by SsimonJohansson
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Your question seems to be more for the wire forum, but the clear coat question may have a good result here as well. I use several ways to clear coat jigs. The reason is not to help the life of the paint but to give it a look. I use powder paint most of the time. The coats I use is brush on type coating, nail polish is one, KBS is another. Someone will come a long about propionate.


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