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Forum Selection, Topic Placement

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I have had three posts in the last couple weeks either deleted altogether or moved to another forum. I have the highest respect for Jerry and the other moderators on this board but find it odd that this is occurring. Before posting the last thread about "handling mail order" I very carefully looked through the forum definitions on the front page. I couldn't find any page that the post really fit "perfectly" so I chose to post it here in "hardbaits" as this is where I enjoy spending my time. Beyond that I feel this particular post fit well here as there are many in this group that are dealing with mail order on a continual basis.

Virtually all newsgroups I visit, and there are many, entertain some flexibility in topics, this is what keeps things interesting. In fact most I visit will move no posts at all so long as they are not rude or insulting in some way or another. Certainly "mail order" is part of "harbaits" as many of us here "mail out" our lures, so why not leave it in this thread?

I hope that in the future moderators will take into consideration some flexibility in this regard, "variety is the spice of life".

Thank you.



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Certainly "mail order" is part of "harbaits" as many of us here "mail out" our lures, so why not leave it in this thread?

Jed, this is true, but then it also makes it ok to put this in almost every other catagory, because there are people mailing out items there as well. I'm not saying that I completely disagree with you, but I think that the topic is better suited elsewhere where everyone can benefit from it. Not all of the board members frequent the 'hard baits' forum.

Hard Baits

Discussions on making plugs, cranks & a variety of other lures

That seems pretty straight forward to me. These should be topics that involve the process of making hard baits. That would include topics about supplies and tools as well.

The Docks

Off Topic forum for discussions about anything under the sun. You might find some characters here know something about everything

I think 'Mail Order' or 'Shipping' topics qualify as anything under the sun.

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No harm no foul Jed,

I moved the post to the Docks so other non-hardbait makers might benefit from the discussion.

Like your post announcing your new website, you wanted some feedback, so we moved it from the hardbaits section to the "website questions" forum.

Were just tryin to keep things organized.

Note; I get members asking why topics have been removed on occasion, take a look thru all the forums to make sure it hasnt just been moved to a more appropriate forum.

Theres a link atop every page marked "View your posts".

take care bud,

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