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Air Compressor

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Hey guys, I just bought a 6 gallon air compressor and was  curious what some  are using to regulate their air pressure for painting.   I tried setting the tanks PSI to 30 but it won't sustain a constant level.  Does anyone set their tanks PSI to 100 or more and run a regulator for their brush?  Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

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16 hours ago, BobP said:

I also have a 6 gal unit.  I leave it cranked to max (135 psi) and have a separate regulator and water trap attached in-line for the airbrush.  That way, the compressor rarely has to run.


BobP, I see there are several in-line regulators for air brush compressors, but I'm having a hard time finding one for a tool compressor.  Which regulator and water trap are you using?

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