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Help finding a UV based top coat

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Hello Everyone,

Longtime lurker here who's finally making the jump to start painting my own Crankbaits for personal use. I've already been able to learn a lot from browsing this site but one item that seems to elude me is how to add UV to my paint schemes? 

I thought I heard they make a top coat epoxy with UV properties that accomplishes this and I know a lot of guys use Solarez as a top coat but I think this product simply cures under UV rays and does not add UV properties to the finished product? Am I understanding that correctly?

 With that said, does anyone have a product they reccomend that works instead?  Closest thing I've found so far is the UV base paints from createx that I'd have to mix in to each paint color rather than provide an UV overcoat which would be ideal.


Thanks in advance!



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Mixing the UV product into an intercoat clear should work. Createx makes several different intercoat clears depending on which of their paints your using. Once you had applied their clear with the UV product mixed in it would just be a matter of applying a top coat to the lure like you normally would. Just make sure your top coat is compatible with the clear your using as a carrier for the UV product.


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Thanks for the reply.  I'm planning on using the Wicked line of Createx paints so is there a specific intercoat clear that would work best for that specific paint?

This also brings up another question.. Is there a specific UV product that people are mixing in to a clear to achieve UV results?

Also, anyone have good results mixing in UV powders into their paints? 

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If your using the Wicked line of paints they recommend W200 transparent base at the link below. They also show their line of reducers on the same page. It's my opinion that your better off using the additives (reducers, transparent base, etc.) that have been formulated for the companies own line of paints since they know what goes in them.

I can't give you any help with the UV product, but would imagine that you could contact the folks at Createx and they would be more than happy to advise you what would work with their lines of paint.

good luck,


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