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Original of crackle pattern

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So not to sidetrack dales crackle question, I'll ask in separate thread. Why was crackle pattern originally used on lures especially older u.s and canadian lures ? I know the method came from another industry, but why on lures. Was it originally a semi imitative pattern of specific prey like frogs,or was it simply to give a broken up two tone effect ? Thanks...glider

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Thats what I was wondering mark,kind of like a grizzle hackle on some fly patterns. When I say older lures A.Z , i suppose its relative !Woodieb8 I just seen your other post about frog type pattern,thats kinda what I remember, was it just another one day wonder to catch fishermen or did/do  they have anything about them in terms of hard results ? 

Edited by gliders
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Purpose was servered Gliders. It was a good lesson for sure. I started paint some ten plus years ago and it was around then. I just wasn't sure, I started reading some write ups or videos about the painting technique, maybe in the last 6-7 years. The glue question was just curiosity. I've seen some pretty cool patterns. Will these schemes catch fish as well as a natural scheme, who knows. I'm going to give the glue a try and I'm going to get some manufacture compounds. Just to see what will work better.


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