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I have visited this site many times.Mostly when I am in the hotel room passing time.I have been designing /testing/and custom painting lures for 16 years.I dont have a website.Most of my buisiness comes from touring pros and tournament anglers.I do some color design for a few hardbait company's from time to time.The tackle and lure buisiness is tough but can be very rewarding.

I am very impressed with this website.The members posting info on this site shoot about as straight as any site I have seen.The willingness to share info on topics that are so secretive (sp)is overwelming.Its as if you guys and girls have known each other for years.It has taken years for me to learn what I know (with some help from others)but mostly from staying after it and continually trying new things.Lets face it,"everybody and there brother"makes spinnerbaits,jigs,and plugs.What sets you apart from the rest is comming up with that "new twist on the lure"that know one else is doing but at the same time not losing the functionality and fish catching ability of the lure.

Know matter what color scheme you come up with or how many layers of pearl you put on a lure,trust me someone can and will "break the code"then you have to come up with another.This is an awesome sight .Hope you dont mind me butting in every now and again with my comments.Hopefully my comments in the future will help uphold the quality of this site.Thanks and sorry this post sounds like the intro to a book.JP[/u]

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Blades and Baits,

Thanks for all the nice comments about the site. It's people like you that make the site what it is. Come in anytime and join in the fun and games we play here learning from one another. I don't think a day goes by that something new isn't discovered or something old is rediscovered. We all have a good time here learning from each other and it's nice to see a new name join us.

Hope you get more free time to spend with us. Once again, Welcome to the site. :)

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Dwain,In answer to your question.

Bandit Olive Green#60 Originally called Gomer Pyle"Gomer"for short

Excaliber/Bomber Bayou Bengal#45 Originally called "Bad Cat"

There are others -my daughter names most of my colors.of course the names get changed and sometimes a little of the original color."Gomer had a chart.belly

Once a very well known crankbait fisherman from North Carolina came to see me.He had me paint various lures for him.It just so happened that later Rapala came out with a jerkbait in Rainbow Trout that matched one of them to a "T". Cant take credit for that one but we all know whoMr.Crankbait King is sponsored by dont we?

A couple of years ago i did some baits for Mark Davis. Chart White #01 shows up in the color chart.Sometimes your not 100%sure but if you painted it you have a real good idea. The sad thing is you may paint some plugs for some pro anglers and they do well on them. But they have commitments that dont allow them to devulge your contribution.I can tell you that if Mark catches em on your lure,he dont have a problem telling about it.

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Thats cool. I'm just getting into painting lures and haven't gotten to show off my work to my TU friends yet because my camera is down, and i've decided to get a new one rather than replace the memory card in the old one.

I was an airbrush artist in the automotive industry for about 6 years doing helmets, motorcycles, tailgates, and hoods. I used a lot of different paints including Createx which is great for lures. Now i'm just working on learning more about what transfers from one to the other. I have my sequence down for the baits now, as well as what materials i want to use. I keep getting orders from people i know right now that i have to fill before i can develop my "standard" colors. Seems nothing i do is standard and to unify i'm going to have to write down every step and follow the instructions for each color. I like to add to many subtle touches lol, then i forget what all i did the next time when i try to duplicate a paint job again.

Ok I'm rambling now, but i would like to chat with you sometime, if you see me in chat pop in i'd love to talk.

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Some of have known each other for years. We started by sharing with each other almost 4 years ago. There is allot of tallent on this site. People can't learn if you keep a ton of secrets. I'm sure that each of us has something that we keep under our hat, but for the most part we all share with each other. I hope that you join us. I personally don't worry about someone finding something out about my baits. The bottom line is that they will have to spend a fair ammount of time to make one. They will have to have allot of patience to make 1. They will have to have even more to make 50, and they will have to have even more to make 3000. You have to love it to be that dedicated. I have seen many new people on this site join just to find out shortcuts to producing allot of baits so that they can sell them. They don't last long. It's just too much work. We are all looking forward to sharing information with you. Welcome.


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Thanks for the comments and warm welcome.I will post some pics asap.The problem is My "Boss" wife drove off the other day with the digital camera on the top of the van.I am working on replacing it but them things a cheap.

Dwain,as you already know it is very important to keep records.If I lost my pattern notebook I would be in real trouble.I know what you mean about forgetting what youv'e done but write every step down.Its also good to take a picture for reference(sp)(just dont let the boss have the camera)Even if I do a lure for someone,and its not a color pattern I have on file, I keep a record of the steps in painting and a pic if possible along with name address phone.My wife will use the data base to send holiday cards.When you paint a lure for someone and they call you 6 months later wanting another then the records really help.I know i'm preaching to the sunday school class but this kind of stuff is important.

Shawn,i think this site is great.I will try to keep up with what's going on but sometimes I dont get inside til late and it takes alot of time to look over the site.(Two kids,one cheerleading other football)You guys feel free to email me if you think I can help providing you dont see a reply on the board from me.


Those pics of yours look 1st class. You are 100% right about short timers.If this is a hobby for some guys ,thats wonderfull.If its your buisiness,thats wonderfull too.We could devulge all of our knowledge (holding nothing back) but for someone to get really good at this it takes dedication and sacrifice to take all that info and make it work. I have ruened literally hundreds of lures but have never wanted to quit.I simply stripped them down and started over.

You are 100%right about the talent and knowledge on this site.You know it has taken me years to learn.Aguy can visit this site and learn by reading in 3 or 4 hours what it's taken me 16 years to learn.

Of course we all hold something back.We are lure designers,painters,builders.If we come up with something that is dynamite!!! we cant help but want to "sit on it" for a little while just to bask in our success. Like I said before you can devulge info or not but eventually,someone out there is sharp enough to break the code.

I dont know how much I can help on some topics with regards to paint.Seems that most of you use createx and water base paint(which I see nothing wrong with) I only use acrylic laquer and alcohol paint.I also make about 80%of my colors from red/blue/yellow/black/white and accent them with pearls. Just the way i learned and guess I'm to hardheaded to change. Dwain ,I think I beat you in the BABBLE!! catagory.Grammer & spelling sucks to.Good night all--Say your'e prayers JP

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I also make about 80%of my colors from red/blue/yellow/black/white and accent them with pearls. Just the way i learned and guess I'm to hardheaded to change.

In college my art teacher would only let us paint with colors we mixed from, Red, Yellow, Blue and white. We even had to make our own black, i'm thankful for that today when i want a color that i dont have out of the bottle i can just whip it right out.

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