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Rookie painting ?

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First want to say love this sight lots of info!!! My ? Is what is some good brand paint to use for airbrushing crank baits just got my first airbrush and I'm hooked I have a iwata Neo gun if that helps any. also what's best way to clear coat was thinking of using devcon 30 min epoxy brushed on.

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The "standard" is Createx because of its consistent quality and wide availability.  But you can mix and match various brands, including taxidermy acrylics to get a wide variety of colors and special effects like pearls, flakes, etc.

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D2T (devcon two ton) is a great clear coat that would be good for you at this time that you are at, and yes 30 mins is a must. Make sure to mix properly.  There are many good clears that can be used. In time you may want to change to one of them but for now I would tell you to stay with D2T.

As far as paints, BobP gave you some ideas. Read up on what can be used over what. Example, water base over lacquer or visa versa. I decided to branch out to different types of paint and some do not like others. I'm not sure the right rules for them so I'm not going there. Createx is a good brand but I had some issues so I switched to Wicked. Wicked is more manufactured for what we do in making baits, but many here uses Createx and I do at times. Like Bob referred to, taxidermy water paints are something that I am getting into. Enamels like Testor is another that I'm playing around with.

Remember that ALL paints have health issues with them some more than others, treat them with respect. Even water base paints leave droplets everywhere. Wear appropreiate safety protection equipment with them respectively to whats needed. At the least a dust mask for water base. Some may say glasses too.

I hope this helps,


Edited by DaleSW
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I also have the neo airbrush I got when I first started, then I had an iwata eclipse given to me ,I love the eclipse,the neo doesnt spray fine enough and looks slightly grainy even with reducer ,I use createx brand paints too. But if your serious about painting, after you get the hang of things I'd be looking for better airbrush. Just my opinion, others may like the neo.

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Iphc, dale mentioned createx and wicked, just for clarity Wicked is a createx paint as is auto-air, and what I take it dale means -createx colours. So 3 createx varieties with slightly different properties. Wicked is a safe bet. Hope we're not confusing you!...glider

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Yep,  Wicked and Auto Air paints are made by Createx. Stay with Createx it's a good paint. As you go a long you may look toward other paints for different schemes. Go to the Createx web site and read up on the difference about the paints. I suggest that you do this with any paint you go with. I hope that I didn't confuse anyone, but I don't think so.


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