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Screw eyes versus thru wire.

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I fish for stripers, matter of fact getting ready to go for three weeks. Read BobP suggested reading on it and screw eyes will be fine. I've tried cutting in thru wire and it is a pain. I've never drilled in a thru wire yet.

I catch land lock stripers up to 50"+ in fast waters and the eyes work for me. Home made eyes work just as good if made and installed properly.



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The never-ending debate, huh?  Again, as BobP said, you can find plenty of posts on the topic.

That said, I think many worry a screw eye will pull out.  I recently did a little experiment to try and convince a buddy screw eyes provide plenty of strength.  Here are two 26lb lead bricks hanging from a 1.5 inch .072" screw eye in a poplar bait with no problem.

I actually got 4 bricks, 104lbs, hanging with no issue, but I don't have a pic to back it up.  (There was only so much my wife would stand after she noticed me using her bathroom scale for my "experiment.")




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@ Dauds, lol you could have saved yourself a lot of grief if you have read some of my old post on hand made eyes. I put something like 55 lbs over a week on them. After that I dropped the weight to create 750 lbs +/- sudden impact stress on the eyes. Thats why I made the comment that I did. I was new and had to prove it to myself.

Twisting out (screw eyes) made me take a look at that, no problems with this. I read a post by BobP (I think) about over drilling the hole, then place a screw eye in the hole with epoxy. It works just fine.

Now Woodie ^^^^^^ he fishes and makes baits for big toothy critters. He can help with them.


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