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How Are Floating Poly-Styrene Jig/Lures Made

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1.  Where do you purchase expandable Poly Styrene

2.  What are the preferred materials to make molds out of

3.  What is the process

4.  What colorants are used to color them

5.  Is a top coating required

6. What are material safety handling requirements

Edited by fshng2
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Polystyrene is a hot steam expansion system so it is not something you can do at home easily.  Using Alumilite 320 or 610 foam would work very well.  You can create your molds using Silicone (Alumilite HS2 would work well).  Once the molds are created you can place he hook inside and pour.  the material expands either 10 or 20 times it's size so keep the amount poured small and have a lot of space to expand.

The material can be either painted (done on Styrene) or you can tint the foam with a die (any soft plastic dye will work).  The foams are amber so the final color will be a combination of each.

The foams are self skinning so no top coating is necessary.

This is a great forum, but I am going to take you to the Alumilite product site.  The first site will take you to a good source where the Alumilite owner answers questions.  http://asklarry.huntforbigfish.com/

The next site will help with videos that will give you the basics.  http://www.makelure.com/store/pg/54-How-To-Videos.aspx

Review the vids and ask again and we can help you out.  It is a little tricky due to the expansion of the foam, but it is not hard and you can get great results.


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