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Product tester volunteers for dropshot bait....Slither Baby

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I just got new molds done for a smaller 4" dropshot version of my slither worm. The first 4 guys to reply will get a free 20 pack of worms. In return all I ask is that you:

  • 1: Fish these baits on a dropshot rig.
    2: Email me your results.
    3: Write an honest opinion of the bait in gramatically correct english.
    4: Have fun catching fish on my baits!

I will cover shipping in the USA or Canada. Only the first 4 people that respond will get to participate, because you are the active members of TU. These baits will be made of MF plastic and will come in the following colors:

  • Green Pumpkin Metallic B)
    Smoky Blue Shad 8O
    Scary Junebug :twisted:
    Watermelon Seed :wink:

All baits will be soaked in a nice mix of KickNBass Anise/Shad, LC Garlic Oil and LC Crawfish oil. The baits will also be rolled in fine salt.

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Ok guys that's enough. That didn't take long to fill up. I'll try to get a pic up later tonight. I still have to get the bulk of them poured this weekend but I will get them out Monday.

Mojo: I dropshot from the shore all the time and catch fish....or float tube. I'll let the one extra guy on, so five testers. THAT'S IT!

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Bass8, thanks for posting a pic, glad you like the bait. I've been catching some nice fish on the 6" Slither carolina rigging. Right now I hardly have time to fish (GRUMBLE). I'm working on call doing hardware support and going to school full time (Bachelors in engineering). If I'm lucky I sneak in an hour or two on the way home. I'll keep you guys posted on when I get the baits done and out the door. I'm going to pour Friday night so I can get these done and some for my buddies as well as refilling the old worm binder for myself. If everything goes well, I'll get them out Saturday morning. I'll post pics of the finished product before they get sent out.

I like to nose hook these guys on a #1 Owner mosquito hook on a dropshot or mojo rig 'em with a #1 EWG. Like Bass8 said, these have plenty of tail action. They are a downsized version specifically for finesse techniques.

As far as testing, just let me know what time of day, date, water color, weather info, whatever. Also tell me which coilors work best. I have been throwing nothing but that damn smoky blue shad lately, it kills them everywhere I have tried it from 150' deep reservoirs to small creek fed ponds that are 6-8 feet deep in the deepest spots.

Those of you that didn't make it will be put at the top of the list for the next new batch of baits.

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Hey fellas, those of you that qualified should get your baits by the end of the week. I am sending them first class USPS in the morning. I'd appreciate it if someone else would post pics of the baits when they get their batch, my camera battery is being lame right now, I need to get a new one, it won't hold a charge at all and the macro mode isn't working either. I guess that's what I get for keeping it in the float tube!

If you guys would post catch pics in this forum that would be way cool too, we caught a ton of fish, mostly dinks today and a lot of them were on the Scary Junebug color, we have been fishing nothing but smoke because the water has been gin clear. The water got stained from an oddball storm today, but fishing in the rain is fun as hell when the bite is on. Wish I would have brought the goretex, but it was fun anyway. No real size but TONS of fish. Seems like it doesn't matter how big a fish is if you catch it on your own bait, I smile every time, especially when it's a new bait! :)

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I got the baits out this morning. You guys should have them by the end of the week. I said 4 testers originally, but it didn't work out that way. Six of you guys in the end as it turned out, so I got to pour 120 baits...I hope you guys enjoy testing them, I know I did yesterday!

The testers are as follows:

  • KidLizard
    Bassin' Jack
    BassGreg (Who PM'ed me before any of you replied).

I'll post a response form to you guys via PM later when I'm actually at home on a real computer and not on my laptop and wireless with a low battery!!! LoL.

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