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In part it is their plastic.  They have a specific plastic that is NOT a plastisol, at least if it is it is highly modified.  It is almost impossible to get an exact duplicate if you don't use the same components as they do, and the plastic is their kitchen made only.

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5 hours ago, Anglinarcher said:

In part it is their plastic.  They have a specific plastic that is NOT a plastisol, at least if it is it is highly modified.  It is almost impossible to get an exact duplicate if you don't use the same components as they do, and the plastic is their kitchen made only.


It's a run of the mill plastisol, no different than what we use, Powerbait is a scent that they add to it ;)

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5 hours ago, DaveMc1 said:


It's a run of the mill plastisol, no different than what we use, Powerbait is a scent that they add to it ;)

Not sure I agree with you.  I did a density test and a couple of hardness test on it and it is outside of the range plastisol plus scent and color should give.

But, if you have an inside with the company, I'll concede that.

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You will need a bleeding red dye for your base. Add black and/or brown to darken it up to your liking. LureWorks offers Blue Fleck Dye 157 already complete with no need to mix your own concoction. 

Dont drive yourself ragged trying to match the Berkleys' exactly. The PowerBait scent has a definite affect on the coloration of the plastisol; it isn't just a simple scent. That being said I dont think its worth the trial and error getting it exact when a portion of that color of that bait is affected by the scent product. But thats up to you. Good Luck and lets us know how you made out.

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