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Thinner is melting my airbrush O-Rings

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I am painting my jigs with an airbrush. I am using the CS Vinyl Lure Paint. The paint goes on very nicely and I really appreciate this method over dipping. The issue I am having is the thinner. I am using the CS Lure and Jig Finish thinner for thinning and clean up. The problem is the thinner is eating up the  O-Rings in my airbrush.  My air brush is the cheap  Harbor Freight Central Pneumatic Deluxe airbrush kit.. My question is: Can I use a lacquer thinner with this paint? Or should I invest in a better airbrush?  Do they even make an airbrush that will shoot vinyl paint?This particular air brush has a very thin O-Ring between the air cap and the air cap body. The exploded parts list does not even show this O-Ring which means I would probably never find one. Any help would be greatly appreciated and thank you in advance.

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I used CS VL&J paint for years. Never had that problem w/Pasche brushes. VL/V LS and H models. These brushes still work fine after 30 years. There are parts that need to be replaced eventually. I am not a fan of Harbor freight anything!

Go to a good hardware store or plumbing supply.They may be able to match up the "O" ring for you

Edited by smallmouthaholic
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Hey smallmouthaholic!

I was at Hobby Lobby looking at their airbrush selection when I got your reply. I just purchased the Paasche  VL series. I'm headed to the shop to see how she works. I promise not to be mad at ya if I don't like it. Thank you for information and keep a tight line!


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Hey Mark,

The manual that came with the airbrush didn't even show the O-Ring so I would have had to gone some where and see if I could find one that fit. No worries though. The new Paasche   VL I picked up is 10 X the airbrush it was. So Mr Smallmouthaholic, thanks for the heads up on the airbrush. It works fantastic!!!

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On 5/28/2017 at 9:00 PM, Basshoe said:

Hey Mark,

The manual that came with the airbrush didn't even show the O-Ring so I would have had to gone some where and see if I could find one that fit. No worries though. The new Paasche   VL I picked up is 10 X the airbrush it was. So Mr Smallmouthaholic, thanks for the heads up on the airbrush. It works fantastic!!!

Thanks for the feedback. Use acetone to rough clean and soak your airbrush ,then the expensive VL & Jig thinner or MEK  for a final clean-up.Eventually ,you'll need to soak the brush and cap-(soak the cap separately is a different container.Kelchner cocktail sauce containers work well for this. Do not damage the needle. You'll need some q-tips,pipe cleaners and airbrush cleaning brushes-


This product works well. I even put a small amount inside the tip via a q-tip to slow the build-up of paint-http://www.tcpglobal.com/PASAL-2.html?gclid=CjwKEAjwja_JBRD8idHpxaz0t3wSJAB4rXW5hcxOYKal0BpxdNZ0hWzWNf84Z60NNjzJTI_RNu8AihoCLFDw_wcB#.WSy8T9y1ucw

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I never had that issue with an airbrush and solvent. It sounds like they used a cheap plastic for the seal. If that seal goes, your airbrush sucks air. It might pulse and eventually not draw paint at all. Cheap airbrushes come with little customer support.

If you decide to buy a new one, it does not have to be a fancy one. I use a Badger 150 bottom feed. Customer support from Badger is UNBELIEVABLE. After thousands of hours of use, that seal wore out on my brush (about $90 retail). For $12 shipping they restored the whole brush. It was like new when it came back. There was a new trigger assy, seal, head, needle. It came back quickly too! You can't beat customer service like that. 

As for ability to paint detail,  check out gallery pics.


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Hey Chuck,

Thanks for the info. Before I bought the new  Paasche  VL series airbrush I experienced all of this: If that seal goes, your airbrush sucks air. It might pulse and eventually not draw paint at all. Now that I have the Paasche all worries are over. Great brush and very easy to clean. I'll keep the cheap Central Pneumatic as a reminder that 20.00 airbrushes are not meant for what I was wanting to do. lol P.S. Nice paint work on your baits brother!

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