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Alumilite 65D

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Some, what do you need to know about it?

It is transparent, almost clear, but with an amber cast.  It is hard, ridged, but able to flex as well.

It can be had poured and does not require degassing, but I pressure potted the stuff I used to eliminate all bubbles.

Perhaps if you have specific questions I can help. 

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Well I found out after trying the 65D it wouldn't work, it is way too flexible for molding a crank bait lip. The mold is perfect and turned out an exact replica of the lip, but again to flexible. I'm going to have to use a liquid plastic of some sort that gets hard but will not break out of the crankbait.

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All lips can break; I had a Repala lip do that today.  I love the X-Raps, but I swear that the lips are far too fragile.

I repair my lips with The Alumilite Clear or the Water Clear that I told you about.  But, like I told you before, I had to pressure pot it to get rid of the bubbles.  Still, it can break if it has enough impact.

First thing to do is to mix the 65D extra well in the bottle.  I don't remember if it is the A or B side but it can settle out and if it is not mixed well then the results in a soft product.  Shake the devil out of both sides just to make sure.  Then do another test and see if it is better.

If it is not better, then call mike again.  Perhaps the 80D will be more to your liking, but I have not used that one.  I never used the 65D for lips, I used it for some test spinner blades I was making. 

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