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Dual Injection ?

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Hello everyone. 


I have a question about a problem ive been having. When I shoot a dual injection bait, one color always bleeds over to the other color. Ive checked and both are injector are lined up properly. I push down on the middle bar. Ive recently switched to a new plastic in the last month. My only guess could be my plastic is to hot when I inject. Any advice? Thanks everyone.

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Those aren't all that bad really. What I've found to cause that is temperatures being more than a few degrees off. If one side is more than 10 degrees or so hotter it will travel faster. Also try pushing down slower on long bodies.

You won't get 100% perfect laminates all the time using a dual injector but you can get close with some tweaking and practice. Some colors blend better at the seam than others too. Transparent colors do well. Opaque colors are more difficult so don't get discouraged.


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Oh I also started holding the tips flat down on the mold and sliding into the next sprue hole instead of hovering over as I line up and insert. This allows  both sides to start flowing evenly. It cuts down on drips going in before you push, which can cause some of what you have going on.

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