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Lure supplier issue

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I recently received an order from a supplier and it was short baits and 3 of the baits I received were defective. I reached out to the supplier to inquire about the defective baits and if they would send me replacements if I sent the defective ones back for him to look at so he knew I wasn't trying to pull a fast one on him or something. Then rather than completing my order he told me he wasn't going to sell me baits anymore because I complained about a bait he said he never has had an issue with. Is this a common practice in the hardbait world? Are the bait manufacturers so perfect that they never let a bad blank out of production? Just wondering I'm fairly new to the custom bait scene and I'm just wondering if something like this happens again should I just eat the loss? Or not say anything? I would have thought a supplier would want to know about this but apparently I was extremely wrong. All the other baits I had gotten from them were fine. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. I'm not going to give the name of the company because I'm not trying to make anyone look bad just looking to avoid an issue like this in the future. 

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I think most of the sources cited here on TU have had very good customer service reputations and have been quick to replace defective blanks and make good on their orders.  Realize that these suppliers are typically one man operations.  If you have a bad experience with one, there's really not much recourse unless you paid with PayPal or are willing to contact your credit card company to cancel the payment.  I wouldn't hesitate to do that if you think you have been treated unfairly or unethically, if things went exactly as you say.  And no, this is not a usual practice among blank suppliers.

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the bill on the bait is offset. By that I mean  the center of the bill doesn't line up with the center of the bait. All the other baits I have gotten the center of the bill and the bait have lined up. Even the same blanks I got with this order minus the 3 here's a pic . The other 2 are offset in the opposite direction and the rest of the order the bills are centered on the blank I'm assuming the bill being offset will affect the action of the bait. If I'm wrong please tell me because then I guess I was being to picky. 


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1 hour ago, Jfishin said:

I'd like to get a little more feedback before I put a name out there . Can you see the offset in the picture? Do I have a legitimate issue here? 

I think those blanks should never have been sent out.  Lousy quality control.

I don't think we, the customer, should be their quality control, and he has a poor customer relations attitude if he thinks not being happy with poor product is complaining.

Posting his company name would be a service to us all, but it might open you up for legal action, so I'd suggest you consult someone, like a lawyer, before you do it.


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The offset is clear enough to me.

This problem has to be reported all the way back to the manufacturer, with a line of girls assembling these baits. It needs to be explained to the line workers; the importance of the alignment. If no one explains, then it is just an assembly, and they think that they have fulfilled their contract.

The line inspection and management probably don't even understand the significance of the alignment.

I have worked in China, I have visited subcontract shops where such items are assembled. It is all about time and efficiency, but if they knew the importance of alignment, a better product would result without a loss in efficiency.


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Update: I received an email from the vendor I posted about and after he reviewed the photos I sent him he acknowledged that the baits did in fact have a defect that could affect the action. He apologized and told me he had no problem with me ordering from him in the future. I appreciate all of the feedback I got on this and glad it all turned out well. Thanks again. 

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I've seen people jump the gun on venders and you handle it well considering the circumstances. ive notice you never mentioned the name, you took the high road. Maybe next time the vender will do the same.  I'm with Dinger and all of you with how it started and how it ended. Yeah I've been reading the whole time. I'm setting here shaking my head.


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I figure if that's the normal customer service I don't need to mention a name. In time they would have put the nails in his own coffin. I'm glad it worked out the best it probably could have under the circumstances in which it started. Like I said also I'm new to the custom crank world so I could've been over critical. Thanks for the feedback. 

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I'd Say The Bull Spit Can Go Either Way ,  As  Buyers Give The Seller The Time To Make Things Right and As A Sellers Stand By What You Sell and Make Things Right If There's A Issue. 

Not All Buyers / Sellers Are Easy To Deal With.

As A Outstanding Buyer , I Only Purchase From Dinger & Get Bit , Laughing.

Have A Good One Everyone.








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