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Making grub tails thinner?

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Newby...Making grubs,Style is as big as a kalind's 5 inch grub. I've made a mold out of rtv molding and it came out great.I have tried to melt down grubs and pour them into the mold and the tails are to thick. One piece mold... Question is ...Do I need to buy some new plastic,will that pour thinner? The plastic right now won't spread(won't run) in the tail portion like I thought it would and thats why its thick. Do I need to make a two piece mold.If I do will I need to buy a injector type needle to put the plastic all the way into the mold. Like I said I'm new at this type of lure making and don't want to buy a lot of stuff I don't need.Ive made molds for lead pouring for years and have good luck with them.Just don't want to wake up a year from now and have a hole wall of plastic molding mat. stairing back at me.HA HA Thanks ahead of time Bass Bull

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If you make your plastic just a little hotter it will run easier; but not so hot as to scorch it.

Also; if you angle your mold with the tail section just a little higher( just a couple of degrees) than the main body and you pour the tails first the plastic should run to the lowest point making your tails thinner.

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Agree! Angling to drain the area is key to a thin sickle tail, legs or anything else that requires thinness. When I copy a Kalin, I push the tail down just enough to make an impression that's deep enough to allow an edge for the plastic to follow as it's draining from the tail. Even if you overpour, it's easy enough to trim.

One or two-part molds can produce a thin tail with Nova's suggestion, except that a two part mold requires two pours (unless an injection process can do it in one step).

Another idea is to sprinkle fine glitter into the tail cavity for more tail-wagging flash. The glitter adheres permenantly on the surface and reminds me of the grubs that were once produced with extreme tail flash.

The amount is up to you.


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