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Hey guys check out the link below.. if someone can make it show up without having to click the link that'd be awesome.


i keep getting these inconsistent dents.. I've tried slower speed injecting, faster, more pressure after mold is full. Using ES beaver bug mold. Thanks for any help. Plastics around 345-355. 



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Those are air getting trapped in the details of the mold.  Is it a side inject molds and is that the top of the mold? I would try different plastics and see if that helps. Some plastic fill that type of mold better.  

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1 hour ago, Frank said:

Those are air getting trapped in the details of the mold.  Is it a side inject molds and is that the top of the mold? I would try different plastics and see if that helps. Some plastic fill that type of mold better.  



Injecting port is at the top.


Maybe i will try to add some softner to the plastic as its a medium plastisol from do it molds, just bought a gallon of it.. 

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9 minutes ago, CNC Molds N Stuff said:

Another experiment to try is space the open end of the mold with a strip of paper.  Printer paper averages about .003" thick.  This would effectively blade vent the entire cavity.  Well, more at one end and less at the other.  You might get flashing around the bait this way, but if you get better baits peeling off some flashing might be worth it to you.  

The ES molds are in my opinion cheap mass produced molds.  It doesn't mean they are bad.  It just means they may not be as good as some other molds.  I do not feel like I wasted any money on the ones I bought for my personal collection.  I feel they are worth atleast as much as I paid for them.  


Bob would it work if the following mod was done?

Close off the existing gate with JB Weld.

Machine a new injection port and gate

to come in from the right hand side  of  the picture.

Inject the modified mold with the new port positioned at the top.





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thanks everyone! Going to return this mold to luremaking.com and get a CNC'd one as it sounds like CNC is honestly the only way to go for perfection. 


Being in canada I'm limited to molds as paying duty on molds would eat away my profit if I choose to sell them which is the game plan. 


Shojld i I stick with the ES plastic or switch to Aluminsol? I have access to both but want quality. Cheers guys.

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I use those Essential molds and Baitjunky's medium degassed plastic, and don't get bubbles.

Maybe you're stirring your plastic too hard.  I use a metal coat hanger, bent so there are two long wires connected by an inch of flat at the bottom.  It stirs without making bubbles.

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1 hour ago, mark poulson said:

I use those Essential molds and Baitjunky's medium degassed plastic, and don't get bubbles.

Maybe you're stirring your plastic too hard.  I use a metal coat hanger, bent so there are two long wires connected by an inch of flat at the bottom.  It stirs without making bubbles.


This could also be my issue, I'm definitely stirring with a spoon or a flat head screw driver.  Although when I withdraw plastic into the injector I don't see many bubbles 

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Alright I'm going to go Down step by step on what I'm doing and what I'm using exactly for some critiqueing. 


Shake well

ES Plastisol medium 8oz

heat 30 seconds


heat 30 seconds


heat 30 seconds (gelatin stage)


heat 30 seconds


check temp around 320-340 at this stage. 

Add color, glitter etc.. Stir

heat for 5 seconds to get back to that 320-340 area.


suck up plastic inside bowl with injector

squeeze out some plastic holding straight up and down.

bring to mold inject mold even pressure the whole way through takes about 3 seconds to fill beaver bug ES Mold.


top up sprue. 


Wait 2-4 minutes and inspect bait.

still denting.


Any help? So discouraging to keep having this happen, I've opened up the sprue a bit on the mold with a dremmel at this point aswell.

I've got the Ripper coming in in about 2 weeks.

Edited by McNeilco
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First, it's not denting, it is trapped air in the mold. The faster you inject the worse it will get. You will need a warm mold and inject SLOW and hot in order to minimize it.  What temperature are you shooting the mold at?


I suspect with their ripper mold you will find some of the same issues. 

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I believe I just made a remarkable discovery.. if y'all look at the picture on this link it has the same "imperfections" I think it's just a part of the design I'm guessing! My do it molds senkos has been turning out great 8/10 times!


Here's the link zoom in on the picture!


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You are right it does look like it. Does not mean you can't be better though. The only thing you are doing that I don't is turning the injector up to get out air. You don't need to do that. Think about it the air in there is at the top. If you just suck up the plastic and shooot slowly you won't get the air in it unless you try and use all the plastic. And you will never use all of it cause it start cooling as soon as you fill it. How are you getting the temp,of your plastic? Do you believe it is reliable? 

Try it this way. Suck up plastic and shoot slowly. When you feel it stop give it a quick push and release. This will force out the air that is close to vents. 

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Decide to call Do it Molds directly today to get the low down on this mold, apparently those imperfections are part of the design looks kinda shotty in my opinion not to sure how customers/friends will think of it but we'll give it a shot! I already know it catches bass due to my second cast being a solid 3lber.

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I don't stir my plastic, when I'm heating it for the first time, until it's at 350, even when I've already added salt or blasting media.   Then I stir in my glitter, and my color.

Maybe you're getting air into your plastic while it's heating initially because you're stirring it too much.

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