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Dave Speer

plastic for maximum action

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Hey all, I did some molding and remelting experiments this weekend.  I have been reading tons of threads here, searching different things, using the tutorials.  I'm trying to do my homework!

I need to make my first plastic order.  From my reading I'm leaning towards either M-F super soft or LureCraft Maximum Flex.  Plus some softener.

 I'm looking for MAXIMUM action, I'm not worried about durability right now.  I want the kind of action that will make the body of a topwater frog jiggle when ya look at it.   Or here in Texas sometimes we say if you see a sheepshead on the flats, if you even utter the word sheepshead, it will spook.  I want the pour to jiggle all over.  Not just the legs.  From my experimentation any long bait or bait with tail mass past a thin body (like a paddletail) will wiggle the most, that's great but the shape of my bait doesn't have any transition from thick->thin->thick or even thick->thin.

Am I on the right track by going for the softest plastic I can find?


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action has a lot to do with design, Some baits will loose action in soft as well is in medium, Plastic itself don't define action IMO. Take a swimbait for example, to soft the tail is just a wet noodle, stiffen it up a bit, the body gets some of the action with it.

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Design must consider several factors if you are going to get "maximum action".  In some cases, yes, super soft plastics will help.  In some cases, firmer plastics actually help.  There is a lot to consider, as Baitjunkys suggested.

Keep in mind that even a blob of Jell-O only jiggles if it get's some initial energy, movement, to get it going.

Without seeing your preliminary design, making a suggestion would be probably worthless to you.


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Thanks guys, and OOOPS... I left out an important detail.  

I'm not making baits.  I am an angler, but I'm also a sculptor.  I walked by a row of soft plastics the other day and had an a-ha moment for a sculpture I'm working on.  I will tap the finished product or hook it up to some sort of timed tap on the soft plastic, and then it needs to jiggle a bit when the pressure comes off.  Nobody in my art circles has a clue, but I found this site researching plastics and I think I might be on to something.

I can't get any more specific on the design right now due to the client, but image something roughly spherical shaped.  Let's just say a ping-pong ball of plastic.  I can even attach to a surface that is wiggled back and forth, like a plate of jello.  I just need some action independent of the force action.

Strange request eh?  

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